Instruction Manual - Touch Screen
2011, 2848, 2860, 2872, and 2873 (32 oz. Pop-O-Golds)
PopClean Elite Popper -600 Series
2911, 2948, 2960, 2972, and 2973 (52 oz. Medallions)
Page 38
Preloaded instruction videos provided by manufacturer (video content and
video quantity may vary).
To View a Video:
Press to select a video.
Press Play Button to start video
image below).
Press Back Button to return to Training screen
to select another video, or
On Training screen, press Back or Menu Button
to exit Training.
Oil Pump
Cleaning / Oil Pump:
Preloaded cleaning videos provided by manufacturer (video content and
video quantity may vary). Oil Pump Button for use in cleaning and priming the oil line.
Oil Pump Button is used to manually operate the oil pump
kettle to cool completely
prior to
cleaning unit, purging/priming the oil pump, or checking if oil is liquid.
To View a Video:
Press to select a video
(reference Navigation section N2 Training, for
control descriptions to view a video).
To Manually Operate the Oil Pump:
Turn Oil Master ON
(provides power to pump).
PRESS and HOLD Oil Pump Button to dispense.
Release button to stop dispensing.
Press Back or Menu Button to exit Cleaning.
To Clean the Oil System:
Reference the Oil Dispense
Unit Manual and use the Oil Pump Button when
directed to dispense while cleaning or priming.
To Prime Oil Line (or check if oil is in liquid form):
Hold a cup under the oil delivery tube in popper.
PRESS and HOLD the Oil Pump Button until oil
flows steadily.
Restart Video
Volume Control (-/+)
(for Video use
ONLY, adjustments here do not affect
the User Configuration volume setting)
Back Button
(in 1 sec. intervals)
Play Button
(converts to
Pause Button when started)
Fast Forward
(in 1 sec. intervals)
Progress Bar
(press bar to skip
ahead or go back to
a video location)
Touch anywhere on
screen area to
show/hide controls
during a video.
Back Button
(return to
previous screen)
Oil Pump Button
(PRESS and HOLD to dispense)
Pump Indicator Light
(light ON indicates pump is active)