Instruction Manual - Touch Screen
2011, 2848, 2860, 2872, and 2873 (32 oz. Pop-O-Golds)
PopClean Elite Popper -600 Series
2911, 2948, 2960, 2972, and 2973 (52 oz. Medallions)
Page 32
EXPANDED Reference
Popping Instructions
This section provides a full description for each cooking screen shown in the Popping Instruction
Quick Reference on the previous page.
Use the corn, salt, and oil measure provided to prepare
ingredients per Gold Medal recommendations below.
Popcorn popped in coconut oil stays fresh longer and does not leave black deposits in the kettle
like other oils. Use only top quality, fresh popcorn from reputable suppliers.
Salted Popcorn
: Use flavored and colored coconut oil.
Glaze Pop:
Use white coconut oil (colored oil can change the popcorn color). Glaze Pop cooks
directly in the kettle.
DO NOT use popcorn seasoning salt when popping Glaze Pop.
Raw Popcorn Charge:
Use large or small corn measure provided according to load size (reference
Step 3 below for 52 oz. Sweet Mode notes).
Oil Volume:
Oil volume is approx. 30% of corn amount.
Flavacol (Salt) Amount:
Use large or small Flavacol scoop provided (
add Flavacol for SWEET Mode)
Glaze Pop/Sugar Amount:
Use amount equal to 1/2 the quantity of corn (reference instructions on product).
When using coconut oil, be sure the oil is liquid. To check oil, reference Navigating
the Touch Screen Control section N3 Cleaning/Oil Pump.
Turn Power Switch ON.
2. On Home Screen, Press Cook.
Theater Mode
blocked selections are greyed out/locked.
Reference Status Bar for operation prompts and
popper status information.
Theater Mode
(Recipe is preselected):
Press OK to proceed.
Standard Mode:
Select Recipe desired.
Select a Corn Type (Butterfly or Mushroom)
Select a Flavoring (Salt or Sweet)
Select a Load Size (Large or Small)
Press OK to proceed.
Raw Corn used per Load Size:
Kettle Size
Large Load
Small Load
52 oz. Kettle
52 oz.
32 oz.
32 oz. Kettle
32 oz.
18 oz.
Notes for 52 oz. Kettles ONLY:
Recipe, a LARGE LOAD uses 32 oz. of corn; SMALL LOAD uses 20 oz. of corn.
Tip for
Recipe: If desired popping result is not being achieved when popping a
large 52 oz. load, then try popping a small 32 oz. load.
For 52 oz. SWEET,
see note below.