737 MAX Flight Crew Operations Manual
Flight Management, Navigation -
Flight Management System
Engine Out Modification
Select the ENG OUT prompt on the CRZ page. The ENG OUT page displays the
appropriate engine out driftdown performance data to enable the airplane to
descend to the engine out maximum altitude. Refer to FMC Cruise, section 11.42
for a complete description of the ENG OUT CRZ page.
Drift Down Execution
After selecting the left or right ENG OUT mode, perform the driftdown as
• disengage A/T
• set maximum continuous thrust on operating engine (N1 line)
• set MCP speed to ENG OUT SPD
• set MCP altitude to MAX ALT or lower altitude as required
• select LVL CHG.
The airplane then descends at CON thrust and the driftdown airspeed to the MAX
ALT. As the driftdown proceeds and airplane gross weight decreases, the
maximum altitude may increase.
The engine out cruise page provides advisory performance data for
operating with one engine.
Engine Out Cruise
Engine out cruise operates like normal cruise with engine out cruise speeds. If
range is a factor, determine Engine Inoperative LRC speed from the QRH. Thrust
limit remains in CON.
Required Time of Arrival (RTA)
VNAV controls cruise speed to achieve a flight crew specified arrival time at a
specified waypoint. After the appropriate waypoint and RTA are input to the FMC,
the FMC will compute a recommended takeoff time, speeds required to comply
with the RTA, and progress information for the flight. If the RTA is not achievable,
the RTA UNACHIEVABLE scratchpad message is displayed.
Data Entry Rules
Altitude Entry
Altitudes can be entered into the FMC as three digit (xxx), four digit (xxxx), five
digit (xxxxx), or flight level (FLxxx) numbers. The FMC automatically displays
altitude or flight level entries in the proper form based on the transition altitude.
Some data lines further restrict the valid entry forms.
Three digit entries represent altitude or flight levels in increments of 100 feet.
Leading zeros are required.
March 1, 2021