737 MAX Flight Crew Operations Manual
Flight Management, Navigation -
Flight Management System
IAN approaches may be flown with or without the autopilot. At or above
minimums, the pilot flying is expected to disengage the autopilot and manually
complete the flare and touchdown. Both visual and aural alerts are provided if the
autopilot remains engaged below 100 feet RA with either FAC or G/P engaged.
“AUTOPILOT, AUTOPILOT” is annunciated over the flight deck speaker and an
amber AUTOPILOT flashes over the attitude display.
Both RNP and VRNP are used to scale the displayed FAC and G/P deviations.
If the UNABLE REQD NAV PERF - RNP message is displayed on the MAP, IAN
FAC and/or G/P deviation point will be sent invalid.
Lateral RNP may be revised from the RNP PROGRESS, RTE LEGS and POS
SHIFT pages.
VRNP values may be revised on RNP PROGRESS page 4/5. The FMC will accept
manual entry of a VRNP value greater than the default value, but the scratchpad
message VERIFY VERT RNP VALUE will be displayed.
Manual entries are cleared at flight completion.
For additional IAN information, see chapters 4, 10, 15, and Normal Procedures in
Volume 1.
Below 2000 feet radio altitude, the FMC transitions to go-around logic from
approach logic when any of the following events occur:
• pushing either TO/GA switch while in a descent
• executing a direct-to waypoint in the missed approach (other than the
missed approach point)
• automatically while in a descent and the last waypoint of the approach
cycles to the first waypoint of the missed approach.
• the airplane climbs at a vertical speed greater than 600 fpm and the flaps
are retracted from a landing setting toward a flap setting of 15 or 1
Once the FMC go-around logic is established:
• the FMC transitions from active descent to active climb
• the thrust limit changes to go-around thrust
March 1, 2021