737 MAX Flight Crew Operations Manual
Limitations -
Limitations and Operational
Airplane General
AFM Limitations
Maximum flight operating latitude is dependent on the configuration of the
Magnetic Variation tables in the ADIRU as follows: 82° North and 82° South,
except for the region between 80° West and 170 ° West longitude, the maximum
flight operating latitude is 73° North, and the region between 120° East and 160°
East longitude, the maximum flight operating latitude is 60° South.
Installation of handle covers on the overwing exits must be verified prior to
departure whenever passengers are carried.
Verify that an operational check of the flight deck door access system has been
accomplished according to approved procedures once each flight day.
Ground Wind Operating Envelope
• For crosswinds greater than 43 knots, limit thrust to a setting normally
used for taxi.
• Except when setting takeoff thrust on the runway, limit engine thrust to
idle for winds greater than 58 knots.
Runway slope
# Maximum Takeoff and Landing Tailwind
1B401, 1B402, 1B801 - 1B824
10 knots
Maximum Speeds
Observe gear and flap
Maximum Operating Altitude
41,000 feet pressure altitude
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Altitude
8,400 feet pressure altitude
March 1, 2021