God City Instruments– Baracus V1.5 Build guide
GOD CITY INSTRUMENTS – Baracus V1.5 Build guide
The God City Instruments (GCI) Baracus is a medium-‐gain silicon/germanium hybrid fuzz loosely based on an
NPN interpretation of the Baldwin Burns Buzzaround circuit. The first two transistors have been replaced with
common silicon bipolar junction transistors, however, Q3, the transistor most responsible for the
characteristic Buzzaround tone remains a germanium.
Transistor selection and biasing has a huge influence on the tone of this pedal. Depending on transistor choice
and bias, this circuit can produce anything from a loud clean boost, to squishy, zipper, gated fuzz, to heavy,
thick saturation. Adjustments to resistor values may be required for proper bias of Q1 and Q2. Because a
wide range of useable tones can be found when adjusting the voltage feeding Q3, it’s bias pot has been
configured as an external control. While not necessary, a VC bias pad and extra ground pad are provided in
case external bias points or a meter is desired.
This pedal is an easy build, but this guide is intended for people who have some experience building pedals.
Component sourcing, component identification, assembly techniques, wiring stomp switches, etc. is not
covered. The GCI Brutalist Jr. assembly guide has helpful information for less experienced builders. That guide
can be found here:
For your convenience, complete parts kits including everything you need except the PCB can be purchased
through Small Bear Electronics. Be wary that they may need to make substitutions for work-‐alike components
which may or may not influence the tone of the pedal. Be aware that transistors may have been substituted
for work-‐alikes with different pinouts.
Available separately is the GCI 3PDT utility PCB for PCB pin 3PDT footswitches. This PCB makes footswitch
wiring quick and easy. Not compatible with solder lug style switches.
Don’t forget to connect the ground pad of the PCB to the ground lug of the input, output, and DC power jacks!
Due to the scope of this project, technical support is not available. However, consider joining the GCI DIY PCB
Builders group on Facebook to get advice from and share your work with other builders. We require that all
group members agree to the rules before being accepted into the group.
Component values for the PCB as well as some alternate values are listed below. This is a BOM for the PCB
only. Resistors and diodes are 6.3mm leg spacing, film and ceramic capacitors are 5.08mm leg spacing, and
electrolytic capacitors are 2.54mm leg spacing. I/O jacks, DC jack, switch, enclosure, and knobs are not listed.
The schematic and a drill template for a 125B (1590N1) sized enclosure are also attached.