5000 Series User’s Manual
Setting up an Active Format
An active format can be set up using the following three methods:
From the Setup menu, under
, etc may be saved.
From the Operator menu options, use the
Select Format
to select
a stored format description.
ANSI Emulation - use the ESC[p1;p2;p3r escape sequence to set
the active form length, top margin, and bottom margin. (See the
Programmer’s Manual
for information on escape sequences.)
See “Stored Formats” for additional information.
Form Length
Form length is set using the currently set lpi (lines per inch) value. If
the form length is set to 66 lines while the lpi is set at 6, the length
will be 11 inches. After the form length has been set up, a lpi change
will not change the form length.
The minimum form length is .33 inch (8.4mm, 240 decipoints) and
the maximum length is 22 inches (559mm, 15,840 decipoints).
Top Margin
The top margin is set using the currently set lpi value. If the top
margin is set to 6 lines while the lpi is set to 6, printing will start on
line 7. Lines 1 - 6 (1 inch) will be skipped. After the form has been set
up, a lpi change will not alter the length of the margin.
Bottom Margin
The bottom margin is set using the currently set lpi value. If the
bottom margin is set to 57 lines while the lpi is set to 6, the last
printable line will be line 57. Lines 58 - 66 (1.5 inch) on an 11-inch
form will be skipped. After the form has been set up, a lpi change will
not alter the length of the margin.
Top Print Ref
The top print ref (top print reference) is set using the currently set lpi
value. If the offset distance is set to 6 lines while the lpi is set to 6,
printing will start on line 7. Lines 1 - 6 (1 inch) will be skipped. The
offset occurs once each time the top of form position is set using the
pushbutton on the control panel. After the form has been set up, a lpi
change will not alter the length of the offset distance.
The top print ref should not be confused with a top margin. They are
distinctly different and serve separate functions.