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g l y p h t e c h . c o m
A Re volution in Ho t - Swap Te c h n o l o g y.
Are you ready for performance beyond your expectations? Whether you’re
recording, mixing, editing or capturing, in any production environment,
the Trip2 will reward you with a stress-free storage experience. Since Glyph
puts its Oxford 911- based bridge board in the tray with every drive, you can
be assured that your data integrity and performance will be consistent
wherever you take it.
Trip2 is specifically designed for high-resolution audio, and the
high-bandwidth requirements of video.
Allocating audio files to
multiple drives will allow you to achieve maximum track counts at today’s
high sample rates. With video production, the high-performance 7,200
RPM hard drives deliver the huge capacity and speed necessary for the job.
Plus, the Trip2 is ultra quiet employing Glyph’s QuietMetal™ which reduces
noise from vibration.
Trip2 comes with your choice of two to six hot-swappable drive s .
Available options for the Trip2 SCSI/FireWire expansion bay are: AIT
backup, SCSI hot-swap receiving bay, DVD-R/RW and CD-R/RW.
Extending the reach of the Trip2, Glyph has introduced a single
FireWire Hot-Swap Tabletop receiver.
And its included with every
purchase of a Trip2 so you can take your work on the road. In any audio
environment, the Trip2 offers options that go way beyond an off-the-shelf
storage system.
Trip2™ Features:
• Glyph’s FireWire bridging technology
engineered for audio & video.
• True FireWire hot-swappable hard drive
technology ensures consistent,
t ra n s p o rtable performance.
• FireWire interconnectivity backplane
maintains data integrity and reliability.
• Can be configured with over a
terabyte of storage.
• QuietMetal™ reduces noise from
• High performance, 7,200 RPM
hard drives.
• Active monitoring of power supply and
external FireWire bus.
• Standard configurations include: 2-6
Hot-swappable hard drives,
backup, SCSI hot-swap receiving
bay, DVD-R/RW and CD-R/RW
• Two FireWire ports accessible on
front panel.