Glyph Companion-120 Brochure & Specs Download Page 1

Glyph’s new Companion™ sets the standard in storage solutions
for micro studios. The Companion has been engineered specifically
for Digidesign’s Mbox™.

Companion is a high performance hard drive system with a dual
port, 6-pin FireWire interface in a small, portable case that couples
with the Mbox. The Companion’s reliability and ease of use allows
you to unleash the full potential of your micro studio.

• Available in capacities of 60GB, 80GB and 120GB.

• Seamlessly record, overdub, mix and edit up to 420

minutes of 24 track, 24 bit audio at 48kHz.* 

• Fully optimized solution for superior

audio performance.

• Equipped with state of the art high performance,

7,200 RPM hard drives, quieted by advanced composite
metals technology to reduce vibrational noise.

• Comes complete with Glyph’s outstanding 

24 hour advance replace warranty at no additional
charge, along with our unrivaled tech support
and service.

• Engineered with thermal sensing cooling

to prolong the life of your Companion.

• Stylized form and functionality with the speed

and ease of FireWire connectivity.

• Compatible with a wide range of recording

hardware, including Digidesign's 001 and
devices from other manufacturers as well.


© 2004 Glyph Technologies. All rights reserved. Glyph and the
Glyph logo are registered trademarks of Glyph Technologies.
Mbox is a registered trademark of Digidesign, a division of Avid
Technology, Inc. and is used by permission.

Perfectly matched
perfectly portable

FireWire Hard Drive

8 0 0 . 3 3 5 . 0 3 4 5      

g l y p h t e c h . c o m

U K / E u r o p e   4 4 . ( 0 ) 1 7 9 9 . 5 8 4 . 9 2 5
