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SmartOne C User Manual
Confidential & Proprietary Information
9100-0410-01 R2.4
• Input 1/Input 2 -
The SmartOne can be configured to send messages throughout the time the input is in the
undesired state, either to the Open or Closed position. The message interval while the input is active can be
configured in Days, Hours, and Minutes. Once the input is disabled, the SmartOne will return to the message
interval or time (s) of day for Location Messages.
• Vibration -
If Vibration is Enabled, the SmartOne can be configured to send a Status Changed Message once
the device enters a state of vibration, lacks a state of vibration, or both. The message interval, while selected
undesired state is active, can be configured in Days, Hours, and Minutes.
• Input 1/Input 2 -
The SmartOne can accumulate
hours and/or count events while input 1 or
input 2 is enabled. The SmartOne can send an
accumulate/count message once the configurable
intervals are specified in days, hours, and
• Vibration -
If Vibration is Enabled, the
SmartOne can accumulate hours once the
device enters a state of vibration or lacks a
state of vibration. The SmartOne can send an
accumulate message once the configurable
intervals are specified in days, hours, and
SOV = State Of Vibration; SOLV = State Of Leaving Vibration