Quick Start Guide
–Sheeva64 page
H. System bring up- connect to console port
1. Use a Mini-USB cable connecting to USB port on PC for console message input and output.
Below is the console setup step.
a. Install FTDI driver:
Please visit
PL3203 widnows driver. For Linux user, the PL3203 driver has built-in on linux kernel, so unnecessary to install
b. Install serial tty software
For UART console software, you can download below software to connect the USB serial console for the
Sheeva64 board.
Linux : minicom
Windows : putty, teraterm
c. Setup UART baudrate
Open the above software and configure the UART baudrate to 115200 8N1 and no flow control.
Example: TeraTerm
The system boot-up has two stages, the first one is bootloader stage, below is the output message, you can press
any key on console to interrupt the autoboot mode.