vehicle; Warns the driver when another vehicle poses a danger to the vehicle's
lane change.
(6) Rear Collision Warning(RCW): Real-time monitor the rear of the car, and issue a
warning message when the rear collision may occur, always ensure the rear
safety for the user.
(7) Equipped with a 3-axis accelerometer to precisely sense vehicle movement or
impact. In the case of emergency braking and collisions, the crash video is saved
(8) Multi-camera support: Can be connected to front and rear cameras for full
security protection.
(9) Wide Angle 140°: 140° FOV enables camera to easily capture multiple lanes and
reduce shooting blind spots.
Start simultaneously: the camera will automatically start recording after the
vehicle is started, and the camera will automatically shut off after the engine is
turned off.
(11) Parking mode recording: Parking mode recording function (optional buck line
required), can ensure vehicle safety while parking.