Super Acoustic Resonance Clarifier™
Please read this manual in its entirety before setting up the Super-ARCH.
Thank you for purchasing Gingko Audio’s patent-pending Super Acoustic Resonance Clarifier™ (Super-ARCH™).
The ARCH’s unique shape, construction, and design features will give you many options to transform and enhance
the sound of your audio system.
Although the Super-ARCH was designed primarily for use under speakers, it may be used to good effect under
heavier components such as amplifiers. The Super-ARCH is sold in sets of 8 bases; each base can support up to 30
lbs. For lighter components, we offer the Mini-ARCH, sold in sets of 12 bases, each of which can support up to 5
Each Super-ARCH base has a short hole drilled into the top center of the ARCH. The hole marks the spot where
speaker spikes or spike mounting studs can rest. If you are using the Super-ARCH under a component other than a
speaker, place a base under each of the component’s feet.
Installing the Super-ARCH under a speaker requires you to tip the speaker slightly so that the ARCH can be
installed under each corner. To avoid damage to your speaker and/or to the ARCH, we strongly recommend that
you enlist the help of a friend before starting. Have your friend tilt the speaker while you place the ARCH. Hold
the ARCH in place until your friend has lowered the speaker to the floor.
There are three ways of using the Super-ARCH:
If your speakers come with spikes, place the tip of each spike into the hole on the ARCH.
Try using the Super-ARCHs in place of the spikes. Most spikes are attached to the speaker cabinet by
threaded studs. Remove the spikes, one at a time, from the speaker. Screw the threaded studs into the
holes on the ARCH, then screw the ARCH onto the cabinet. We find that the speakers perform better
without the spikes.
If your floor is level and you do not need to use the threaded studs to level the speakers, you may try
inserting the threaded studs into a larger hole on the Super-ARCH. This way, the ARCH bases support the
bottom of the wooden cabinet directly without the ill effects of the metal studs.
Now, pick favorite music tracks that you frequently play on your current system. Listen to your test tracks for
improvements in sound clarity, transient attacks, expansion of the soundstage width and depth, bass performance,
and overall transparency. If the improvements are significant, sit back and enjoy the music for at least a week to