If using a v1.1 AutoDownload file, this will be set automatically for you in the
AutoDownload file. If you try to change it, the Br-EFB will tell you that: 'This is set
in your AutoDownload file'.
It is set in Pc•MACs by the Preferences Menu’s ‘DMX Addressing’ command:
Whatever you have selected at the time you build your AutoDownload file will
be what is used on the AutoDownload target device. If there isn’t a v1.1
AutoDownload file being used, this command is a toggle between displaying
DMX-512 addresses as zero-based 0-511 numbers, or as one-based 1-512
numbers. The default is one-based, since virtually all lighting equipment is now
F) EaseIn Speed x
If using a v1.1 AutoDownload file, this will be set automatically for you in the
AutoDownload file. If you try to change it, the Br-EFB will tell you that: 'This is set
in your AutoDownload file'.
When enabled, EaseIns will keep all the selected channels from jumping at a
high rate of speed if:
The DMX-512 data starts being received.
The DMX-512 signal drops (after a delay of ten seconds).
An output is ‘Jogged’ to a specific value.
One or more outputs are put into or taken out of the internal
test mode.
At boot up as the outputs assume their starting values.
The frame number jumps more than the 'EaseIn Threshold'
while playing a show
The show number being played changes while it is playing a
A show has been stopped mid-show, the Br-EFB will do an
EaseIn when the next show is started. Note that when a show
reaches its normal end, starting the next show will not trigger
an EaseIn.
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-EFB Manual / May 22, 2018 3:28 PM / page 65 of 142