L) Auto Jog While Setting Min/Max (checkbox)
If the this checkbox is on, altering either the Minimum or Maximum Endpoint
settings will cause the 'Jog' Checkbox to turn ON, and the 'Jog' Slider and
Numeric value to ramp at the EaseIn rate to the 0% or 100% position, as
M) Position Feedback A/D Voltage Range (DropDown)
This DropDown allows you to select the voltage input range for this input. The
possible input range settings are: +/-10 volts, +/-5 volts, 0-10 Volts and 0-5 volts.
The default for the position feedback inputs is +/-10 vdc.
N) Compliance Feedback A/D Voltage Range (DropDown)
This DropDown allows you to select the voltage input range for this input. The
possible input range settings are: +/-10 volts, +/-5 volts, 0-10 Volts and 0-5 volts.
The default for the compliance input is ‘disabled’.
O) Polarity Wizard (Button)
This command sets a Setpoint voltage that is near the current Position
Feedback voltage. The Br-EFB will then slowly raise the gain. When the gain
reaches a level where the actuator starts to move, the Br-EFB will try to move
the actuator towards the Setpoint. If it is successful, the Br-EFB will have
determined the 'phase' of the servo Position Feedback loop, and corrected it if
P) PID Wizard (Button)
The PID Wizard is used to automatically set the Proportional ('P'), Integral ('I')
and Derivative ('D') gains for the Feedback Loop.
The Br-EFB does this by moving the actuator to mid-stroke and then making
a series of small steps as the Proportional ('P') gain is raised until it is high
enough to put the actuator into a sustainable oscillation. The period of the
oscillation is measured, and from this the Br-EFB mathematically derives the
proper settings for the Proportional ('P'), Integral ('I') and Derivative ('D') gains.
Because the this function will potentially cause the actuator to move faster
than it would under normal circumstances, the following warning is presented
before any movement begins:
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-EFB Manual / May 22, 2018 3:28 PM / page 59 of 142