'Tightness' is increased and decreased, the 'P', 'I' & 'D' Gains will be scaled as
G) Compliance Feedback Gain (numeric value, slider, checkbox & output
voltage display)
The gain sets the 'depth' of the Compliance Feedback input. If you push
against a compliant actuator, it should move away from you, requiring far less
pressure than it would take with the Compliance Feedback turned off. How far it
moves with the initial push is controlled by the Compliance Feedback Gain.
H) Compliance Feedback Decay Rate (numeric value & slider)
This controls the 'decay' rate for a Compliance Feedback signal. As you push
on the compliant axis and it moves out of your way, this time delay sets how long
this effect lasts. As it decays, the compliant axis will fight its way back to its
original position with increasing strength.
Jog (numeric value, slider & checkbox)
This command will allow the current Br-EFB axis being adjusted to be
manually controlled. If the checkbox is OFF, then the slider/numeric value will
follow the analog command being sent to this axis. Manually changing the slider
position or the numeric value will automatically check the checkbox so that the
slider/numeric value will now provide the command position for this axis.
The jog control will remain in effect until the checkbox is unchecked. At that
instant, there will be an EaseIn to smoothly ramp the control of the axis from the
Jog slider/numeric entry back to normal Show Control. The Jog slider/numeric
entry will reflect this EaseIn as and return to following the command position for
this axis.
Position Feedback Phase Reversed (checkbox)
The phasing in the feedback loop needed to be reversed. This can be set
manually, or by the Polarity Wizard.
K) Compliance Feedback Input Reversed (checkbox)
If you press on a compliant axis and instead of moving out your way, it moves
towards you, then it needs to be reversed.
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-EFB Manual / May 22, 2018 3:28 PM / page 58 of 142