Ethernet & Serial Port Commands
The following commands are used to start, stop, and generally control the Br-EFB
through its Rs-422, USB, or Ethernet ports. The serial port commands can be used as
the sole method to control the Br-EFB, or as an adjunct to the Br-EFB’s two optically
isolated trigger inputs.
The Br-EFB’s serial port can be accessed from any computer running just about
any modem or terminal program. The computer you are using doesn’t even need to
have any PC•MACs software installed on it.
One of the easiest and most flexible types of operator interfaces for accessing the
serial port are the many touch screen operator panels. These can be a part of an
existing PLC or room automation system (including
, etc.). Stand-alone
touch screen operator panels with serial port outputs are available from a number of
different suppliers (
, etc.). These will easily attach
directly to the Br-EFB’s (and other GilderGear’s) Rs-422 serial port. Most of touch
screens are sold with a Windows program that will allow you to ‘draw’ buttons and
user interface icons on their screens, attach ASCII strings to these ‘buttons’, and then
download the final configuration to the operator panel. They need no PC or other
hardware once they are programmed.
GilderTerm is available free from Gilderfluke & Co. for use with all of our products. It
can be downloaded from our web page, and is included on all of our CD-ROMs.
GilderTerm has been optimized for use with all Gilderfluke & Company equipment. All
the commands are built in, and it will even let you use your mouse to select
To use the Br-EFB with a terminal program, just configure it for 9600 baud, no
parity, eight data bits, one stop bit and no handshaking. If you are using GilderTerm, all
the settings are preset. All you will need to do is select the appropriate ‘COM’ port.
In all the following commands, the command (shown in “quotes”) is the ASCII
command. You can type these from your keyboard. The commands are all
UPPER/lower case sensitive.
The “(card address)” is the serial address of the single card that the will respond to
the command. In the Br-EFB, the serial address can be set to any Hexadecimal
address from ’00’ to ‘FFh. This allows up to 256 other GilderDevices to be connected
to the same RS-422 serial bus and accessed individually.
The “(show #)” is the desired show’s position in the AutoDownload list when the
AutoDownload file is saved. The ‘(show #)’ represents a two digit ASCII hexadecimal
number for the desired show. Valid characters are “0” through “9”, and “A” through “F”.
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-EFB Manual / May 22, 2018 3:28 PM / page 133 of 142