It is possible to use the ‘Sequential from List’ and ‘Random from List’
Input Actions with overlapping ranges for multiple inputs. This is all legal to
do, but there is only one ‘already played’ flag for each show. If one input
has already played a show that is in a range that overlaps with another
input, that other input will consider that show as ‘already played’ too.
You can tell the Br-EFB to reshuffle this list at any time by using the
‘Reshuffle List’ input action.
K) Reshuffle List
This input action can only be selected for the ‘Closing’ edge on an input.
It is used in conjunction with the ‘Sequential from List’ and ‘Random from
List’ Input Actions to reset the ‘already played’ flags for a range of shows.
The range can be as short as two shows up to all the shows that are
loaded on the Br-EFB. The two drop downs to the right of the Input Action
are used to select the ‘first’ and ‘last’ show have their ‘already played’ flags
L) Analog Limit
Normally the analog outputs will follow the complete range of motion
you programmed in your shows, only limited by the analog endpoints you
set on the Br-EFB ‘minimum’ and ‘maximum’ settings.
This feature can be used if you want to scale the analog outputs to limit
them to a lower level when a switch is thrown. This is most commonly
used to connect the switched ‘threshold’ outputs of anemometers used
with fountain shows, or to 'gentle' motion base attractions for younger
In a fountain application, if the wind level gets to the preset ‘threshold’,
the anemometer ‘closes’ this input. This tells the Br-EFB to scale the
analog outputs, and thereby the height that the fountain will squirt the
water. When the wind level drops below the ‘threshold, the anemometer
opens this output and a ‘Analog Limit’ action on the ‘opening’ edge of the
same input tells the Br-EFB to scale the outputs to 100%, and return the
fountain to normal operation.
In a motion base attraction, a simple switch closure can 'scale' motion
base's movement for an extremely young (or old) load of passengers.
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-EFB Manual / May 22, 2018 3:28 PM / page 131 of 142