3 6'6
(default value)
3 6'$6
The menu Advanced Settings consists of the following fields:
Fields in the Advanced Settings menu
Permanent Layer 2 Ac-
This function (also known as permanent monitoring) constantly
monitors the functionality and transmission quality of an extern-
al ISDN connection. For this purpose, the system is in perman-
ent contact with your network operator's exchange. If the ex-
change does not keep the ISDN layer 2 permanently enabled,
the system can initiate the repeated establishment of layer 2.
The function is activated by selecting
The function is enabled by default.
ISDN Synchronisation When an external device (e. g. GSM gateway) is connected to
an external point-to-point ISDN access in the system, the ex-
ternal device's signal can disturb the synchronisation in the
ISDN signal. Only if such a disturbance occurs should you
switch off the layer 1 synchronisation.
The function is activated by selecting
The function is enabled by default.
3.2.2 ISDN Internal
You configure your system's internal ISDN interfaces in the Physical Interfaces->ISDN
Ports->ISDN Internal menu.
Internal ISDN connections are always point-to-multipoint connections.
When connecting terminals to an internal ISDN connection, please note that not every
ISDN terminal sold be retailers is able to use the features provided by the system via your
key interface.
The Physical Interfaces->ISDN Ports->ISDN Internal menu consists of the following
Gigaset Communications GmbH
3 Physical Interfaces
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition