Chapter 16 Maintenance
This menu provides you with numerous functions for maintaining your device. It firstly
provides a menu for testing availability within the network. You can manage your system
configuration files. If more recent system software is available, you can use this menu to
install it. If you need other languages for the configuration interface, you can import these.
You can also trigger a system reboot in this menu.
16.1 Diagnostics
In the Maintenance->Diagnostics menu, you can test the availability of individual hosts,
the resolution of domain names and certain routes.
16.1.1 Ping Test
You can use the ping test to check whether a certain host in the LAN or an internet ad-
dress can be reached. The Output field displays the ping test messages. The ping test is
launched by entering the IP address to be tested in Test Ping Address and clicking the
Go button.
16.1.2 DNS Test
The DNS test is used to check whether the domain name of a particular host is correctly
resolved. The Output field displays the DSN test messages. The ping test is launched by
entering the domain name to be tested in DNS Address and clicking the Go button.
16.1.3 Traceroute Test
You use the traceroute test to display the route to a particular address (IP address or do-
main name), if this can be reached. The Output field displays the traceroute test mes-
sages. The ping test is launched by entering the IP address to be tested in Traceroute
Address and clicking the Go button.
16 Maintenance
Gigaset Communications GmbH
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition