• Month: mm
• Year: yyyy
Set Time
Enter a new time.
• Hour: hh
• Minute: mm
Fields in the Automatic Time Settings (Time Protocol) menu
ISDN Timeserver
Determine whether the system time is to be updated via ISDN.
If a time server is configured, the time is only determined over
ISDN until a successful update is received from this time serv-
er. Updating over ISDN is deactivated for the period in which
the time is determined by means of a time server.
The function is activated with
The function is enabled by default.
First Timeserver
Enter the primary time server, by using either a domain name
or an IP address.
In addition, select the protocol for the time server request.
Possible values:
(default value): This server uses the simple network
time protocol via UDP port 123.
) 34 A =6
: This server uses the Time service
with UDP port 37.
) 34 A )6
: This server uses the Time service
with TCP port 37.
: This time server is not currently used for the time re-
Ex works, the
1 !"'"
server is entered
2 System Management
Gigaset Communications GmbH
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition