Choose the
icon to edit existing entries. Select the New button to create a new team. General
In the Numbering->Groups &Teams->Teams->General basic conditions in the team are
configured. Among these are the team name and the internal team number.
For internal team calls, a team number and team name can be assigned to the team in
the configuration. If a team number is dialled, the caller sees the team name until a team
subscriber accepts the call. The name of the team subscriber is then displayed.
The Numbering->Groups &Teams->Teams->General menu consists of the following
Fields in the Basic Settings menu
Enter a description for the team.
Internal Number
Enter the internal number of the team.
Fields in the Further Settings menu
Switch call signalling
Define whether the call option configured for the team shall be
enabled manually over the telephone, or via the calendar. For
this, calendar and switching times must first have been con-
figured. You can create up to four call variants for each team in
the menu Numbering->Groups
&Teams->Teams->New->Variant1-4 .
Possible values:
: Manual switch is enabled.
: Select one of the configured calendars.
Active Variant (Day)
Select one of the call options to be currently enabled. If a
switch is set up via the calendar, this setting will be switched
back again in a timely manner.
Permit Call Forwarding Define whether call forwarding may occur for the team.
The function is activated by selecting
5 Numbering
Gigaset Communications GmbH
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition