GD32W51x User Manual
Softw are set and clear.
0: Disable FIFO error and exception interrupt
1: Enable FIFO error and exception interrupt
Must be kept at reset value.
FIFO counter
Hardw are set and clear.
000: No data
001: One w ord
010: Tw o w ords
011: Three w ords
100: Empty
101: Full
110~111: Reserved
These bits specific the number of data stored in FIFO during the transmission.
When MDMEN is configured to ‘0’, these bits has no meaning.
Multi-data mode enable
Softw are set and clear.
0: Disable Multi-data mode
1: Enable Multi-data mode
These bits can NOT be w ritten w hen CHEN in the DMA_CHxCTL register is ‘1’.
These bits are automatically locked as ‘1’ by hardw are immediately after enable
CHEN in the DMA_CHxCTL register if TM in the DMA_CHxCTL register is
configured to ‘10’.
FIFO counter critical value
Softw are set and clear
00: One w ord
01: Tw o Words
10: Three Words
11: Four Words
These bits can NOT be w ritten w hen CHEN in the DMA_CHxCTL register is ‘1’.
When MDMEN is configured to ‘0’, these bits has no meaning.
Security status register (DMA_SSTAT)
Address offset: 0x100
Reset value: 0x0000 0000
This register may mix secure and non secure information, depending on the secure mode of
each channel (SECM bit of the DMA_CHxSCTL register). A secure software can read the full
interrupt status. A non-secure software is restricted to read the status of non-secure
channel(s), other secure bit fields returning zero.
This register may mix privileged and unprivileged information, depending on the privileged