(On Power)
Unique Anti-Residual design
When the power is switched off the holding force will be
discontinuity and the bolt was installed in armature will pop
out immediately This design enables the door to be opened
Ideal for closet and small filling cabinet
Fail- safe operation ( Power to Lock).
Five years warranty
Anodized aluminum housing.
Adjustable mounting plate for easy installation.
Dual voltage 12 or 24 VDC (selectable).
Anti-Residual magnetism designed.
Magnet can be select direct or reversible direction
Voltage Tolerance: 15%
Current Draw: 420mA@12Vdc ,210mA@24Vdc
(at temperature 20C(
Magnetic bond sensor monitor output (EM-150M):
SPDT rated 0.25A@12V DC.
Operating Temperature: -10~55C )14~131F(
Humidity: 0~95% non-condensing.
Lock's surface Temperature (when the power is on): can
not exceed ambient temperature by
Holding Force: Up to 300 lbs )136 Kg(
Magnet:(L) 200, (W) 35, (D) 24 mm
Armature Plate:(L) 152, (W) 32, (D) 10 mm
Mounting Plate:(L) 200, (W) 22, (D) 5 mm
Special Finishes for magnet and armature plate: Zinc
Epoxy Potting Compound: E87252 (S), UL94V-0
Weight )Approx.(: 1.5 Kg
LED visual indicator is a visual
feedback for user to give the true status of the lock at any
time. Green light indicates the door is insecure (unlocked)
and the Red light is indicates the door is secure (locked).
Regular Installation
Magnet Reversible on site
EM-150 and EM-150M
Micro Electromagnetic Lock
EM-150 Electromagnetic Lock is a great lock and a solid
option for people who just want a basic and standard
electromagnetic lock with Anti-Residual design
The EM-
150 is a surface mounted
face to face electromagnetic locks
offering up to 300 pounds holding force which this lock is
recommended for minimum security applications only.
It is designed for single out-swing doors. Installation of in-
swing door, narrow-style frames and frameless glass door
r e q u i r e
a d d i t i o n a l
b r a c k e t s .
W i t h
t h e
a c c e s s o r i e s
provided the lock can be used on wooden
glass and
even metal door
M Electromagnetic Lock is the
upgraded version of EM-150 The bond sensor and a status
LED have been added The bond sensor is used to indicate
the door status as in a locked or unlocked condition.
Copyright 2008 Gianni industries, inc. All rights reserved.
DM-CA-EM150 Ver. C Published on 2008.04.28
The products are manufactured under an ISO
9 0 0 1
0 8 0 0 0 0
C e r t i f i e d
Q u a l i t y
Management Program environment back its
product quality, performance and commitment
to customer satisfaction.
Magnet can be select direct or reversible direction installation
The product is warranted against defects in material and
workmanship while used in normal service for a period of 5
year from the date of sale to the original customer. The GEM
policy is one of continual development and improvement;
therefore GEM reserves the right to change specifications
without notice.
No. 13, Zhong Sing Road, Tu-Cheng Industrial Zone,
Tu-Cheng City, Taipei, Taiwan 23678
Tel: 886-2 2267 7986 / Fax: 886-2 2267 9876
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: gianni.tw