GHE AeroFlo 120 L Manual Download Page 1

Biopole  -  32500  FLEURANCE  -  France  -  Tél.:  33  -  (0)5  62  06  08  30  -  Fax  :  33  -  (0)5  62  06  64  04

E-Mail : [email protected]

Bringing  Nature  and  Technology  Together

120 plants

L = 600 cm, l = 120 cm,  H = 82 cm

The AeroFlo 120 L™

To operate your system successfully:



Always clean your system thoroughly between crops. See «cleaning between crops».



Get a water analysis from your local water company: to use the fertilizer best adapted to your water 
(hard or soft), it is important to know it’s content.  



Keep the water temperature under 24° C. Ideally between 16 - 20 °C. For your cuttings, always keep it 
between 22 & 24°C. Never under 22°C !



Give your plants good lighting, excellent ventilation and adequate humidity (65 - 70 %)



If you have questions about your water or about the development of your crop, please don’t hesitate to 
contact us. We guarantee a free technical support and advice to all our customers.

Thank you for purchasing an AeroFlo 120 «L»*. 
The AeroFlo is the highest quality growing system in our industry. It is designed to allow opti-
mal oxygenation of the nutritive solution as well as maximum growth for your plants. It is the 
ideal system for beginners and professionals alike.

In January 1998, the AeroFlo was selected by the Cité des Sciences (Science museum) in Paris to be presented 

in their exhibition «Greenhouses: Gardens of the Future», a permanent window on the most efficient growing 

modules in modern agriculture.
