Oasis montaj 5
Finding More Help Information
There are several other functions included in the basic
Oasis montaj
help system that
may be useful to your work. The entire documentation for the system is available through
the online help system. This electronic library of information enables us to constantly
update the information and provide you with the most up-to-date information available.
The best way to find information in this system is to use the
tab to perform a full-
text search of all help topics. If you still can’t find the information you’re looking for, all
of the Geosoft
Manuals and Tutorials
are available online,
Contacting Geosoft
The list below provides contact information for Geosoft offices around the world. Note
that, technical support is for
Licensed Users Only
North America
Geosoft Inc.,
85 Richmond St. W., 8th Floor
Toronto, Ont.,
M5H 2C9
Tel. (416) 369-0111
Fax (416) 369-9599
Europe and North Africa
Geosoft Europe Ltd.
20/21 Market Place, First Floor
Wallingford, Oxfordshire
OX10 OAD United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1491 835 231
Fax: +44 1491 835 281
South America
Geosoft Latinoamerica Ltda.
Praça Floriano 51 / 19º Andar
CEP: 20031-050, Centro
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
(55-21) 2111-8150
(55-21) 2111-8181
Australia and Southeast Asia
Geosoft Australia Pty. Ltd
Unit 14, 100 Railway Road,
Subiaco WA 6008
Tel 61 (8) 9382 1900
Fax 61 (8) 9382-1911
South and Central Africa
Geosoft Africa Ltd.
Buren Building, Second Floor
Kasteelpark Office Park
c/o Nossob & Jochemus Streets
Erasmuskloof X3, Pretoria
Tel: 27 12 347 4519
Fax: 27 12 347 6936