with all different kinds of functions. UPS systems, with serial interfaces often incorporate of a
variety of measured values and status information. Those can be displayed using overview or
block diagrams. Other devices, such as diesel generators or extra measuring units can be
integrated with this management software via the network. A separate password protected
screen can be created, if the devices also support remote controlling commands. The values
and status information, which are stored in the UPSMAN log file, can be requested from every
computer with an installed UPS monitor module.
Monitoring of all UPS systems that are connected in the network via UPSMAN and
respective SNMP adapter
gCHART dynamic visual log file graphic tool
Remote controlling of all UPS systems via the network
Graphic display of the UPS input data (voltage, power)
Read out and display of the UPSMAN event-log files
Programming of the UPSMAN scheduler
Graphic screens containing all UPS information also under UNIX, MAC (JAVAMON)
CS121-Enhancements, Field of applications
SiteSwitch4 (SS4) and SiteSwitch4AUX (SS4AUX)
Figure 94:
SideSwitch4 and SS4 AUX
SITEWITCH4AUX is a high-performed extension of the CS121-adapter but can also be
operated as stand-alone solution with the possibility to connect to UPS or UPS-similar devices.
The SITESWITCH has 4 power outputs sockets, which can be configurated by the event
settings of the CS121 or any other RCCMD compliant sender like SITEMANAGER,
Figure 95:
CS121-Installation with SideSwitch4