from the UNMS II with TeleService only.
You should change the parameter after using the
import settings feature accordingly.
The „Heartbeat“ via email is an additional feature for the UNMS II with TeleService. A new
„Heartbeat Timeout“ is at present, in the case, the „Heartbeat Email“ was not received.
Thereby a disconnect of the CS121/BACS connection will be monitored. If the „Heartbeat
l“ was not received for 12 hours, an alarm will be triggered.
You can define the interval for the „Heartbeat“ at the CS121 and we recommend to use an
interval of 12 hours. Since CS121 firmware version 5.16.x you can define an intervall for the
Heartbeat in case of an alarm.
Figure 25:
UNMS Email Trap Settings
You can trigger an Email Trap via « Test » button. The CS121 AlarmLog will log the sending
and the UNMS II with TeleService should display new measuring values within 2 to 3 minutes.
The default selection of the Email Trap events shows, which events are critical and should be
sent. If you want to send further events, you can enable them here by clicking the « Apply »
button. Please note, that it is required to execute the « Save, Exit & Reboot » function, after
you have finished your configuration.
The CS121 uses a timeserver to supply the correct date and time of any event in its local
logfile. If no Timeserver is set, the CS121 will not use date and time in the logfile, but a date
stamp of 1970.