Modbus Slave Address
: Enter the corresponding number, meaning which number in the
chain (bus) the adapter is (until ID 247).
Modbus Mode
: RTU (binary mode) or ASCII mode text output. Please select the type with
the scroll down menu.
ASCII Mode works at CS131 & CS121 platforms with communcation
parameters 7/E/2, or 7/E/1 or with 7/N/2 from baudrate 1200 to 38400. We recommend for
ASCII the use of 7/N/2 and the highest baudrate supported by your device.
RTU Mode works at CS131 & CS121 platforms with communcation parameters 8/E/1 or
8/N/2 or 8/N/1 or 8/E/2 or 8/O/2 or with 8/O/1 from baudrate 1200 to 38400. We recommend
for RTU the use of 8/E/1 and the highest baudrate supported by your device.
Change Administrator Password
: The password protects against unauthorized usage and
manipulation. The default password is "cs121-snmp". In case you have "forgotten" your
password a master password can be generated using your adapter serial number. Please
contact your manufacturer for more information.
Change UPSMON & SS4 Password
: This is a separate password
(default: “cs121-snmp)
and allows to open UPS FUNCTIONS and SS4 FUNCTIONS only to specific users. With this
password, which is valid for the TCP/IP connection to the UPSMON too, the user may switch
on/off the UPS, start battery tests, switch SITESWITCH 4 outputs, but can not change any
other setting on the CS121 configuration. Exception: If the administrator password (default
identic) was not changed. The UPSMON is a Windows client, which is able to connect via
network to the CS121. The UPSMON and SS4 password is used as protection. Advice: For the
activation of the new password (apply button), it is required to reboot the CS121 via the
Exit & Reboot“ function.
The CS121 firmware version 4.52.x provides the entry of a
, if you want to use
In addition the new feature “
Force configured Gateway
” is disabled by default. At disabled all
requests will be responded to the requesting IP address and its MAC address directly. If
enabled, all incoming requests will be routed through the defined Gateway exclusively.
The CS121 with DHCP utilization
firmware version 4.xx
and higher contains DHCP. With DHCP your CS121 will get an IP
address automatically from the DHCP server. Please note, that this address allocation should
be fixed, because RCCMD, which checks the addresses of the senders, will not be functional.
Click the “Network & Security” button in the CS121 configuration and check the “Use DHCP”