Main Menu & IP-Settings
Figure 8:
Telnet - Main Menu
To select any option in the main menu enter the number of the option at the Enter command
=> prompt. The program displays the desired screen.
Type 1 at the prompt and you enter the menu “IP Settings”. Within this menu you can
enter basic network configurations, e. g. IP address, Gateway-address etc.
Figure 9:
Telnet - IP Settings
To change values, enter the number of the option, type <space> and enter the name. Press
<enter>. Your new value displays next to the field heading on the top of the screen. If you want
to return to the
main menu
, press 0 (zero) and <enter>.
For example: To assign the IP-address of the SNMP-adapter, the gateway and the subnet
mask type at the prompt:
1, <space>, the IP address of the SNMP adapter, <enter>
Enter Command => 1
Enter Command => 2
Enter Command => 3
To assign the system contact name, type 5 and enter the name of the person to contact about
the SNMP adapter.
Enter Command => 5 Mr. Harry Hirsch