Units are equipped with an electronic voltage regulator. The voltage regulator controls the output of the generator
by regulating the current into the exciter field. The regulator has three screwdriver adjustable potentiometers that
may be adjusted for voltage, stability and voltage roll-off (U/F). The voltage regulator is adjusted before shipment
from the factory. Contact Magnum Power Products LLC for additional information before attempting to adjust the
voltage regulator.
All units are subject to derating for altitude and temperature; this will reduce the available power for operating tools
and accessories connected to the receptacles. Typical reductions in performance are 2-4% for every 1000 ft (305
m) of elevation and 1% per 10ºF (5.6ºC) increase in ambient air temperature over 72ºF (22ºC).
The unit is powered by a diesel engine. Diesel engines are susceptible to wet stacking if lightly loaded. Wet stacking
occurs when an engine is run at less than 30% of its full load capacity, causing unburned fuel to accumulate in the
exhaust system. Wet stacking can be detected by continuous black exhaust when the unit is under a constant load.
It can also cause fouling of injectors and buildup on engine valves. Diesel engines operate properly when applied
loads are between 30% and 100% capacity. Appropriate generator sizing is determined by the anticipated load. If
the unit is in a wet stack condition, load the unit heavily for five hours or until the exhaust is clear.
The receptacle panel is equipped with six receptacles for
running accessories or tools from the generator. Power
is supplied to the receptacles any time the engine is
running and the main circuit breaker is switched to the
ON (I) position. Each receptacle has an individual circuit
breaker, located inside the cabinet under a flip-up cover.
Each circuit breaker corresponds with each receptacle
located below it on the receptacle panel.
Should the main breaker, or any of the individual circuit
breakers trip, remove some of the load to the receptacles
before turning them back on.
With all of the lights off, the full generator output may be used with the receptacles.
Note: To ensure proper grounding, anytime the generator is providing power to any equipment or load panels that
do not have a grounded plug, a ground wire MUST BE added between the equipment and the grounding stud on
the receptacle panel per the National Electrical Code (NEC), state and local regulations.
Check with personnel using power supplied by the unit and let them know the power is going to be turned off. Make
sure the power shut down will not create any hazards by accidentally turning off equipment that needs to be kept on
(pumps, compressors, lights, etc.).
When you have finished using the unit, proceed with shut down as follows:
Remove any loads from the receptacles.
Switch the individual circuit breakers for each light to the OFF (O) position.
Switch the main circuit breaker to the OFF (O) position.
Receptacle Panel
Grounding Stud