User Manual
GWR High Speed Cellular Router Series
OpenVPN site to site allows connecting two remote networks via point–to–point encrypted tunnel.
OpenVPN implementation offers a cost–effective simply configurable alternative to other VPN technologies.
OpenVPN allows peers to authenticate each other using a pre–shared secret key, certificates, or
username/password. When used in a multiclient–server configuration, it allows the server to release an
authentication certificate for every client, using signature and Certificate authority. It uses the OpenSSL
encryption library extensively, as well as the SSLv3/TLSv1 protocol, and contains many security and control
features. The server and client have almost the same configuration. The difference in the client configuration
is the remote endpoint IP or hostname field. Also the client can set up the keepalive settings. For successful
tunnel creation a static key must be generated on one side and the same key must be uploaded on the
opposite side.
Figure 30-OpenVPN