User Manual
GWR High Speed Cellular Router Series
Settings – VRRP Settings
VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol) is a protocol which elects a master server on a LAN and the
master answers to a 'virtual ip address'. If it fails, a backup server takes over the ip address.
VRRP specifies an election protocol to provide the virtual router function described earlier. All protocol
messaging is performed using IP multicast datagrams, thus the protocol can operate over a variety of multi-
access LAN technologies supporting IP multicast. Each VRRP virtual router has a single well-known MAC
address allocated to it.
Figure 26 – Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol
Select this option to enable VRRPD service
Virtual Router ID
Enter Virtual Router IDentifier (VRID) [1-255], which is the same for all
physical routers for virtual router with this ID in the network.
Routers have a priority of between 1-255 and the router with the highest
priority will become the master.
Enter authentification password as hexkey [0-9a-fA-F]+.
Click Reload to discard any changes and reload previous settings
Click Save to save changes.
Table 12 – VRRP Parameters
Settings – VPN Settings
VPN (Virtual private network
) is a communications network tunneled through another network and
dedicated to a specific network. One common application of VPN is secure communication through the
public Internet, but a VPN need not have explicit security features, such as authentication or content
encryption. VPNs, for example, can be used to separate the traffic of different user communities over an
underlying network with strong security features.
A VPN may have best–effort performance, or may have a defined Service Level Agreement (SLA)
between the VPN customer and the VPN service provider. Generally, a VPN has a topology more complex
than point–to–point. The distinguishing characteristics of VPNs are not security or performance, but that
they overlay other network(s) to provide a certain functionality that is meaningful to a user community.