Manuale scheda EXP-MBTCP-ADV - Pag. 1 / 8
Modbus TCP/IP-RTU Converter
Cod. 1S5L89 - 08/2022 - ENG
1. Introduction
This manual describes the EXP-MBTCP-ADV optional board
(code S5L89), a serial/MODBUS TCP/IP interface converter.
The EXP-MBTCP-ADV board connects to the RS485 port of the
AD200 family of drives and has an RJ45 port for connection via
Modbus TCP/IP protocol — used for Drive-PC communication
(with GF_eXpress configuration software) — or via HTTPS pro
tocol — for Drive-PC/network communication (with GF_Drivelabs
web application).
This manual is written for technicians and designers responsible
for the maintenance and initial start-up.
1.1. Applicability
The card is designed to be easily installed inside the ADV200
family of drives: ADV200, ADV200-WA, ADV200-LC, FFE200 and
1.2. FW compatibility
The EXP-MBTCP-ADV board can only be used with drives with a
firmware version:
4.X.0 or higher
2.X.0 or higher
7.X.17 or higher
1.X.0 or higher
7.1XX or higher
1.3. Typical uses of the device
1. Device configuration with WEB-SERVER: via a WEB
page, the device enables configuration of the network and
MODBUS RTU communication;
2. Inverter data monitoring and configuration with GF-eXpress:
to read/write parameters and monitor FW and Application
3. Communication with the drive makes the following possible:
debugging via Softscope,
creation of applications with MDPLC;
4. Multiple device accesses by several users:
the device with MODBUS TCP/IP can be used by several
users — up to a maximum of 5 simultaneous connections,
access to the WEB-SERVER configuration is permitted
for a single connection at a time. The user must log off to
enable a new connection.
1. Introduction ..........................................................................1
1.5. Safety .............................................................................2
1.7. Connectors ....................................................................2
1.8. LEDs and Switches ........................................................3
2. Using the device ..................................................................4
3. Webapp GF_Bridge (Web Server).......................................5
3.1. Login and Access Levels Page
3.3. Parameters ....................................................................5
3.4. Transfer ..........................................................................6
3.5. Wizard ............................................................................6
3.6. Support ..........................................................................6
3.7. Info .................................................................................7
4. GF-eXpress Tool ..................................................................8
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