& Digital Answering
Page 1: ...USERGUIDE RP7510 Telephone Digital Answering Machine RP7510 U s e r G u i d e ...
Page 3: ...8 SettingeitherOGM1orOGM2 8 Switchingtheansweringmachineonoroff 8 Listeningtomessages 8 Tonesorendofcallsignalsaftermessages 8 Ifthememory sfull 9 Monitoringcalls 9 Leavingamemo 9 Advancedansweringmachineuse remoteaccess 10 General 10 Securitycode 10 Listeningtomessages 11 ListeningtoOGMsandrecordingnewones 11 Leavingamessageinaspecificmailbox 11 Switchingthemachineonoroff 12 SettingOGM1insteadofO...
Page 4: Towall mountyourRP7510 usethetemplateatthebackofthemanual Runtheflexesthroughthechannelsunderneaththemachine Afterwall mountingtheunit slideout turnoverandslidebackin thehandsetclip thiscanbefoundinthebaseunitjustbelowwheretheearpiecelocates to ensurethatthehandsetstaysfirmlyinpositionwhenplacedinthecradle Keepitawayfromheat dustanddamp Cleanitwithasoftcloth trynottopressthebuttons Neverusepoli...
Page 5: ...ageyourecordedyourself Themachinecomes withstandardoutgoingmessagesbutyoucanrecordyourown instead Thebatterywillcomeintouseonlywhenthepoweriscutoffandwillsupportthememories forseveralhours Thebatterywilleventuallyrundownifpowerisnotrestored NBIfyou plantoswitchthepowertothemachineoffforlengthyperiods disconnectthemachine fromthetelephonesocketandremovethebattery Y ou llhavetosettheclockandrecord a...
Page 6: ...seOGM1andOGM2 OGM1takesyoutoahigher setting OGM2takesyoutoalowersetting Themachinecallsoutthesettings EnsureMESSAGEDISPLAYison Ifnot pressON OFF 1 Setthevolumetomedium 2 HolddownSKIPuntilthemachinecallsout Sunday ThenreleaseSKIP 3 PressOGM1orOGM2tosettheday ThenpressSKIP 4 PressOGM1orOGM2tosetthehour ThenpressSKIP 5 PressOGM1orOGM2tosettheminutes ThenpressSKIP Themachinewillcalloutyoursetting Tohe...
Page 7: ...nsureMESSAGEDISPLAYison Ifnot pressON OFF PressOGM1tohearOGM1 A1 appears Waituntil 00 appears thenpressOGM2tohear OGM2 A2 appears Ifyou rehappywiththesemessages gotoStep5 ifyouwantto recordnewones seebelow Torecordnew outgoingmessages Whatyouneedtoknowbeforeyoustart Planwhatyouwanttosay Hint callersprefershortmessages Y ourmessagemustbelongerthan4seconds Speak20cmfromthemicrophoneatthefrontofthema...
Page 8: ...M1 00 flashes Step5 afterhowmanyringsdoyouwantthemachinetoanswer Therearethreesettings 2 themachinewillanswerafter2rings or 4 themachineanswerafter4rings or t tollsaver Ifyou reawayandringinginforyourmessages tollsavercansaveyou thecostofacall It llanswerafter2ringsifyouhaveanynewmessages orafter6 ringsifyoudon t Soifitringsmorethan2timesyoucanhangup knowingyouhave nomessages 1 PressOGM1 Afterthem...
Page 9: ...6 Settingup Step7 plugthemachineintoyourtelephonesocket Theplugonlyfitsinonewayround Ifthelittleplugdoesn tfityourtelephonesocket contactBToryourtelephone company ...
Page 10: REDIAL PressREDIALtocallthelastnumberyoudialled usefulifitwasengaged MUTE HolddownMUTEifyoudon twanttheotherpersontohearyou butyoucanstillhear them RECALL Thesearefornewtelephoneservices Tofindoutmore callyourtelephonecompany 7 ...
Page 11: ...sage pressREPEAT T oeraseamessage pressERASEbeforeitends Toeraseallmessages afterplayingthem holddownERASEuntilyouheara beep T ostop pressSTOP Pointstoremember Mailboxmessagesandmemosareplayedlast An erased messageisn terasedimmediately It serasedafterthemachinesays endofmessages Upuntilthistimeyoucanstillhearan erased messageagain T ohearonlythenewmessages nottheoldones holddownPLAYuntilyouheara ...
Page 12: ...tentocallersleavingamessage flashesduringrecording Tospeaktoacaller pickupthephone Ifyoupickupanotherphoneandthemachinekeepsrecording pressand releasethehang upswitch T orefuseanincomingmessage pressSTOP Toleaveamemo likeleavinganote forsomeoneyoulivewith Whatyouneedtoknowbeforeyoustart Speak20cmfromthemicrophone HolddownMEMO speakafterthebeep thenreleaseMEMO Y ourmemoisaddedtothemessagetotal Toli...
Page 13: ...utdon tleavelongerthan15secondsbetween buttonpresses Otherwiseyou llbecutoff Themachinebeepstwicewhenitreceivesacommand Ifthememory sfull themachinewillanswerafter15ringsandplayOGM2instead ofOGM1 Ifyouerasemessagesthemachinewillacceptnewonesagain Yoursecuritycode Y oursecuritycodeissetto125butyoucanchangeit Neverchangeitto999or112 these areemergencynumbers Tocheckyoursecuritycode 1 EnsureMESSAGEDI...
Page 14: ...y It serasedafterthemachinesays endofmessages Upuntilthistimeyoucanstillhearan erased messageagain T oeraseallmessages afterthemachinesays endofmessages press33 Y ou ll hear5beepstoconfirmdeletion Afterhearingyourmessages youcandothefollowing Tolistentomessagesinaspecificmailbox pressSthenthemailboxnumber 1 2 3or4 Tolistentomemos press 1 memosarestoredinmailbox1 TolistentoOGMs press41 forOGM1 or43...
Page 15: ...tchon or88toswitchoff Ifyou reswitchingon themachineplaystheOGM2thatitcomeswith evenifyourecorded anewone TosetOGM1insteadofOGM2remotely Y oucanonlydothisiftheansweringmachineisswitchedon 1 Dialyournumber 2 DuringOGM2 pressS Y ou llhear3beeps 3 Enteryoursecuritycode Y ou llhear2beeps 4 Within4secondspress1 Y oucanonlysetOGM2insteadofOGM1byswitchingthemachineoff see above Ifyoudothis themachinewill...
Page 16: ...on or 8 8 to switch off RC RP7510 Issue 1 06 97 REMOTE ACCESS CARD Write down your security code To listen to messages 1 Dial your number 2 During the OGM press Y ou ll hear 3 beeps 3 Enter your security code Y our messages will be played back To pause press 7 To continue press 7 To skip to previous message press 2 To skip to next message press 5 To erase all messages after you hear end of message...
Page 17: ...d thememory sfull 8 Themachineanswersbutwon ttakemessages CheckOGM1isset notOGM2 IfOGM2isset thered lightflashes 8 Isitswitchedtoanswercalls PressON OFFsothatthe messagedisplay 00 etc ison 8 If FL isdisplayed thememory sfull 8 Themachinekeepsrecording keepsflashing whenyoupick upanotherphone Pressandreleasethehang upswitch 9 Yourmessagesareannouncedwiththewrongtimeandday PressSKIPtohearthetimeandd...
Page 18: ... IN THE EVENT OF A WARRANTY CLAIM Please note The guarantee applies to the United Kingdom only Additional safety The apparatus does not incorporate an integral power on off switch To disconnect the power either switch off the supply at the mains power socket or unplug the AC adaptor When installing the apparatus ensure that the mains power socket is readily accessible The interconnection point bet...
Page 19: ... to the apparatus if as a result it then ceases to to conform with the standards against which approval was granted The apparatus is approved for connection to direct exchange lines and to approved compatible PABXs It cannot be guaranteed that the apparatus will operate correctly under all conditions when connected to some PABXs If difficulties are experienced please contact your supplier initiall...
Page 20: ...For product support and help visit our website at www geemarc com or telephone 01707 384438 or fax 01707 372529 ...