with SSPS User Guide
Installation Instructions
For single supply and dual supply HyTronic faucets
For additional technical assistance, call 800/TEC-TRUE (800-832-8783) or visit our website at chicagofaucets.com.
Traditional Lavatory
Contemporary Lavatory
SSPS Generator
Safety Information
Read this entire user guide to ensure proper installation. Compliance and conformity to local codes and ordinances is the responsibility of the installer.
The following safety notes must always be complied with during handling of this product:
• Make sure there is enough space and lighting available during installation and service.
• Do not modify or convert this Chicago Faucets product yourself. All warranties will be voided.
• Installation may be performed at different times of construction by different individuals. For this reason, these instructions should be left on-site with the
facility or maintenance manager.
• Pressurized plumbing fixtures shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. The supply piping to these devices shall be securely
anchored to the building structure to prevent installed device from unnecessary movement when operated by the user. Care shall be exercised when installing
the device to prevent marring the exposed significant surface.
• Do not use pipe dope.
• Flush all the water supply lines before making connections.
Mounting of Deck Mount Faucet
(Single Supply Unit Shown)
1. Mount cover plate if
required. Plumber’s
putty is recommended
to seal cover plate to
the sink. Security pin
must be located on
the left side.
4. Place nut onto
mounting rod and
tighten with wrench.
If faucet was installed
with cover plate, secure
with basin washer, flat
washer and locknut.
2. Mount gasket and put
faucet into sink.
5. Install aerator and
tighten with aerator key
(supplied). Aerator: 1.0
gpm (standard) and
optional 0.5 gpm insert.
(Use 1.5 gpm for dual
3. Mount bracket from
underneath. Place
hoses through large
opening and mounting
rod through small
opening. Make sure
flange sits securely
against surface.
• Supply valve is installed
• Water supply lines are flushed properly
• It is not necessary to unscrew the connection between braided hose and housing to install the product.
• Do not remove protective covering from sensor until starting up faucet operation.
• Do not tighten locknut before step 4 is completed.
NoTe: If faucet was installed with cover plate, secure with basin washer, flat washer and locknut.
Mounting of Wall Mount Faucet
(Single Supply Unit Shown)
• Supply valve is installed
• Water supply lines are flushed properly
• It is not necessary to unscrew the connection between braided hose and housing to
install the product.
• Do not remove protective covering from sensor until starting up faucet operation.
1. Mount gasket, put faucet into
opening and tighten. Install aerator
and tighten with aerator key
For gooseneck faucets, tighten
spout with wrench. Aerator: 1.0 gpm
(standard) and optional 0.5 gpm insert
Chicago Faucets deck mounted faucets feature cast brass bodies and precision cartridges for years of reliable operation. Metering models with adjustable
cycle time offer true water savings.
Notice to the Installer
• Read this entire instruction sheet before installing to ensure proper installation.
• Installation must comply with local codes and ordinances.
Pressurized plumbing fixtures shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. The supply piping to these devices shall be securely
anchored to the building structure to prevent installed device from unnecessary movement when operated by the user. Care shall be exercised when installing
the device to prevent marring the exposed surface.
NOTE: The information in this manual is subject to change without notice.
Please leave this manual with the facility manager after completing the faucet installation. This document contains information necessary for routine maintenance
and servicing.
NOTE: Before installation, turn off water supplies to existing faucet and remove faucet if replacing. Clean faucet basin and clear away debris. Flush all supply
lines before connecting to faucet. Failure to do so can result in debris clogging the inlets and/or cartridges.
NoTe: Before installing a new ceramic cartridge flush lines completely.
Mounting of SSPS Generator
The SSPS Generator comes with all the components needed for
installation, however, some tools and supplies are not included.
• Basin Wrench
• Hand Drill
• Adjustable Wrench
• Adjustable Locking Pliers
• SSPS Generator Unit
• Electronics Module and Holder
• Green Power Adapter
• Hose
1. Connect SSPS unit.
Attach to faucet and
install water supply line.
4. Drill holes. Drill holes
for screw anchors.
2. Position SSPS under
sink. Carefully position
to allow connection of
water lines and wiring.
5. Secure SSPS to wall.
Insert anchors into holes
and mount SSPS unit to
wall with supplied screws.
3. Mark holes. Position
mounting bracket and
mark mounting holes.
6. Attach inlet hose to supply
and turn on water. With
water on, check system
for leaks.*
*For dual-supply SSPS
models, connect the hot
water supply line to the
SSPS unit and the cold
water supply line directly
to the faucet.
9. Remove cover and
connect faucet wire to
SSPS and secure into
wire harness.
7. Fully open supply
8. Remove all items from
11. Remove protective
covering from sensor.
Wait for 15 seconds
for faucet to calibrate
to its environment.
10. Attach the cover. Faucet is ready to run through
programming sequence.
Do not use pipe dope on faucet and supply connections.
Possible solenoid contamination could occur and will void any warranty.