Page 1: ...e been used for some time turn on all hot water faucets and allow them to run for several minutes before using any electrical appli ance which is connected to the hot water system This will allow any hydrogen gas to escape Of course since the gas is flam mable do not smoke or use an open flame or appliance during this process Never reach MO the washer while parts are moving Always stop the washer ...
Page 2: ...iay ciothes 2 Under normai soii conditions wash in water above 80 F 27 C This generaiiy means using the Warm Wash temperature setting on your washer temperatures approximateiy 95 F 35 C if you notice that soii has accumulated after severai consecutive washings use Hot Wash occasionaiiy if safe for fabrics 3 Aiways rinse in Coid Water The temperature of the rinse does not affect cieaning 4 Try to w...
Page 3: ... AND LOADS SEE PAGES 14 and 15 npaystoC heck and topf treat Empty pockets brush out cuffs zip zippers snap snaps hook hooks and button buttons Do any necessary mending rips hems tears Check all items for areas of heavy soil or stain Remove stains FOR STAIN REMOVAL CHART SEE PAGE 12 Pre treat heavy soil by rubbing in a small amount of liquid detergent or a paste made of water and powdered detergent...
Page 4: ...w to use bleach fabric softener and other laundry products Close lid Washer will fill and agitate but will not spin with lid open This washer has a Safety Lid Lock As a safety measure the lid will be automatically locked during the spin portion of each cycle The lid will automatically unlock about 30 seconds after the end of the spin cycle To open lid during spin cycle push Cycle Selector IN and w...
Page 5: WASH RINSE TEMPERATURE at WARM WARM MANUAL and adjust faucets for desired soak temperature Add detergent or soak agent Turn Cycle Selector to desired cycle Start the washer After washer fills and begins to agitate push in the Cycle Selector to stop washec Allow to soak for as long as desired After desired soak turn to the last Spin Pull out the Cycle Selector to complete the cycle Ccmtrdssettin...
Page 6: ...etthe mntrds See the Controis Setting Guide beiow 1 ATE REGU AR CYCLE J PERMANENT 57 PRESSCYCLEP Seiect Water Levei SMALL Washer is iess than fuii of ciothes fvlEDiUM Between l s and 2 sfuii LARGE Over 2 sfuii of ciothes Seiect Wash Rinse Temperature Coid rinse wiii be automatically provided with aii cycies Push Cycie Seiector in and turn clockwise to your seiected wash cycie Puii Cycie Seiector o...
Page 7: ...ics weii Can be used in hot warm or coid water Non Phtxq3hate Perform satisfactorily in soft Do not ciean weii in hard Powdered Detergents or moderately hard water water in some areas oniy non May be difficuit to dissoive phosphate products are especially in coid water avaiiabie Shouid not be used in coid water Those containing sodium carbonate as an ingredient may cause harmfui limestone deposits...
Page 8: ...posed to the wash solution Mat 1ikecrusty formations caused by lint adhering to the sticky limestone deposits s Increased service calIs because of limestone deposits in the pump recirculation water hoses filters and other washer parts Reduced useful life of washer h3w to rWM Mxl Mm stone Ixflk ups Recommended Methods Use a powdered phosphate detergent or a liquid detergent if these are available i...
Page 9: ...soils 4 Lower wash temperature 5 Low t hos hate detement If the recommended amount of detergent produces too many suds switch to a low sudsing detergent brand and follow instructions on package Using too little dete gent is a com mon cause of laundry problems Always measure detergent in a standard measuring cup l ovvto me detergent Granular or Powdered For best results put the detergent in the was...
Page 10: ...ergent you also have no problem But if you have more than 10 grains you will need to soften your water with either 1 An installed water softener in your home or 2 The use of a packaged water softener Far information on water softeners see chart below Acidthis much water softener with a full water Itevei Grainsof hardness o 1o 10 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 over30 Whenusing o 4 cup 2 2 3 1 cup 1 cup plus ...
Page 11: ...owpackagedirections Suspendshardnessmineralsin solution Non Precipitating Add at start of washcycle keepingwaterclear such as Calgonbrand Precipitating suchas Follow packagedirections Combineswith waterhardnessmineralsto Boraxbrand Usewith detergentor soapin form precipitatewhich givescloudyor milky washcycle appearance to water SOAKAGENT Followpackagedirectionsfor grass Donot usewith chlorineblea...
Page 13: ...luid Thenlaunder detergent launderanddry Bleachaccordingto Stain Removal in warmdetergentwater Hint on oppositepage Soakstain in cool water If stain remains bleachaccordingto Spongewith warmwater Bleachremainingstain Stain RemovalHint on oppositepage launder with oxygenbleach Appiy undilutedliquid detergent Launder Treatmildewspots Spongewith warmwater Applyundi uted iquid while theyarefresh befor...
Page 14: ...nkets Coveralls BabyClothes Delicate Warm De icate E31ankets Delicate Warm Wool Part Wool Cotton Blankets Delicate Warm Synthetic Electric Curtains DONOT Delicate Hotor Warm MACHINEWASHFIBERGLASS ChenilleBedspreads Robes Delicate Hotor Warm Bathmatsand Rugs Regular Hot or Warm Denims especiallyIndigoBlueJeans Regular Coldor Warm and otherfabricsthat bleed Plastics aprons bibs tablecloths Delicate ...
Page 15: ...gentype Youmaypreferto usea mildtypedetergent Dohand knitgarments by hand None Adddetergent fill washer allowto dissolvebeforeaddingblanket Doone blanketat a time Pre treatheavilysoiledspotswith liquiddetergent None Onelectricblanketsewa strongpieceof cloth overplug Dooneblanket at a time Pre treatheavilysoiledspotswith liquiddetergent Forwhite or colorfast Vacuumout loosedirt beforewashing useliq...
Page 16: ...sedto hold lint in suspensionduringwashcycle determinedbywaterhardness sizeof load degreeof soil andamountof water SeePage9 Incorrectuseof fabric softener If usedin washcycle 8 Usefabric softenersonly in rinsecycle unless manysoftenersmayreactwith detergentto createa packagespecifiesaddingto washcycle white derIosit 9 Pilling Most likelyto occurwith polyester cotton 9 Cannotbe prevented or correct...
Page 17: ...gagitationandselectcorrectwater levelfor load Thereis no solutiononcethis typeof damagehas occurred WRINKLINGmPERMANENT PRESS AND NO IRON rm3vls i o PREVENT 1 Remove clothesimmediatelyand placeon hangers 1 Leavingclothes in dryeraftertumblingstops whendryerstopstumbling 2 Toomanyitems in dryer 2 Dryonlyonewasherloadat a time Donot combine loads 3 Toofew items in dryer 3 If dryingonly onearticle ad...
Page 18: ...bleachwherepossible Usepre soakaids Installwatersoftener b Changedetergent Usephosphatedetergent if possible 4 Overloaded washer Clothescannotmovefreelyto 4 Followcorrectloadingprocedures for sizeof load loosenand removesoil causinggrayappearance 5 Impropersoaking with insufficientdetergent 5 Usuallya 30 min soak is sufficient However when usingextendedsoaksfor heavilysoiledgarments you mayneedto ...
Page 19: ...ock before replac ing the agitator Do not over apply When replacing the agitato care fully lower straight down onto the agitator support block Replace cap securely Exterior Wipe cabinet with a damp Agitator At the end of each wash cloth Periodically clean the cabi day remove and clean underneath net with a mild soap and water To remove agitato simply unscrew and occasionally apply coat of cap gras...
Page 20: 3 Make sure faucets are turned on 4 Check fuses and circuit breakers Plug lamp fan or other small appliance into electrica receptacle at washer to see if power is availab e Water does not enter 1 Make sure faucets are on and adjusted correctly or enters Slow y 2 Make sure hicoupie connector is attached properly on vlodel WWPI170C 3 Make sure hoses are not kinked 4 Check screen located in water ...
Page 21: ...olved write MajorApplianceConsumerAction Panel 20 NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinois 60606 service Ccmti ads p your appliancein goodoperating For tmub emfreeserwke beyond condition duringthe contract periodat the written warranty perid no additional charge Servicecontracts m t you paytoday s pricesfor service If you preferto budgetyour repairexpenditu a month a year or severalyearsfrom insteadof be...
Page 22: ...irectory for GENERALELECTRICCOMPANY GENERAL ELECTRICFACTORY SERVICE GENERALELECTRIC HOTPOINTFACTORYSERVICEor GENERAL ELECTRICCUSTOMER CARE SERVICE B da WHAT 1sNOTCOVERED ll mll W II z ai 1 g 3i J F J wGiL ml 52 d M2 e Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the product Read your Use and Care materiaL If you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer o...
Page 23: ...r Savhg Tips Proper Sorthg andLoatig p i Detergentie Selection andUsage Jp7 Stti Removal pti Launderhg Problems andSolutions p16 Save The mdMoney Before youcd forsewice IMe the Problem Solver p20 YourDirectLineto6kmerdl Electric heGE iIWNWW Centef800 626e2000 ...
Page 24: number Consumer Affairs General Electric Company Appliance Park Louisville W 40225 writedrownfile mode and F serial numbers o y You ll find them on a label located on the lower left side panel near the front These numbers are also on the Consumer Product Ownership Registration card that came with your washer Before sending in this card please write these numbers here Model No Serial No Use the...