GEAppliances JVM133J Use And Care & Cooking Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for JVM133J

Page 1: ...Numbers 2 Control Panel 6 Power Levels 6 8 9 12 30 Cooking Complete Reminder 7 Precautions 2 5 Cooking Guide 19 25 Problem Solver 30 Defrosting Guide 17 18 SafetyInstructions 2 5 Delayed Cooking 8 Ti...

Page 2: ...aroundthedoor Lightreflectionarounddooror outercase s Dimmingovenlightandchange in blowersoundmayoccurwhile operatingat powerlevelsother thanhigh o Dullthumpingsoundwhileoven is operating SomeTV Radio...

Page 3: ...his microwaveovenis specifically designed to heatorcookfood andis not intended forlaboratory or industrialuse sReadand followthespecifk pREcAuTK NsTO A m POSSIBLEEXPOSURETO EXCESSIVEMICROWA ENERG17 01...

Page 4: ...thefloor duringandaftercooking Foods cooked in iiquids suchas pasta maytendto boil overmorerapidlythanfoods containinglessmoisture Shouldthisoccur refer to the CamandCleaningsection s for instructions...

Page 5: ...eflames Keephoodand grease filters dem9accordingto instructionsin theExhaust Featuresection to maintain goodventingandavoidgrease fires SAVETHESE INSTRUCTIONS optionalAccessories Availableat extracost...

Page 6: ...otherpower eve ntimberif yOLIwantto change fromautomaticpowerlevel 10 High for cookingor powerlevel 3 1 ow fordefrosting 1 START kWS yCH 1 to I13 NT2 yOLl Oven t begin cmkinq al a selectedtimeof diiy...

Page 7: ...ssON NIGHTor OFF 2 Door Latches whentheovenis operating 9 Grease Filters 3 DoorScreen Metalscreen 7 TouchControlPaneland 10 permitsviewingof foodsandkeeps Digititd Display Fordetailed 11 microwavescon...

Page 8: ...ngis automaticallyseton powerlevel3 butcanbe changed by touchingthePOWERLEVEL padandthe desiredpowerlevel n MIN SEC TIMER Step 4 Setstandingor holdtime by touchingMIN SECTIMER Step5 Touch1 0 0 andOto...

Page 9: ...kage Forevendefrosting somefoods needto be brokenupor separated partof the way throughthe defrostingtime Ft mily size pre packagedfrozen dinnerscanbe defrostedand microwaved If thefoodis in a foilcont...

Page 10: ...ces SeeConversionGuide atright D START 4 TouchSTARTpad Display showsthe ovenpowerleveland defrosttimecountingdown Twiceduringdefrosting the ovenbeeps4 timesand 6 TURn Y flashes Followthedirectionsin t...

Page 11: ...ieldif necessary Steak 0 1 5 0 Ibs Turnoverandshield I 15 30minutes Stew I O 5 0 Ibs I Separate andremove defrosted pieces I 15 30minutes WholeChicken 0 1 5 0 lbs Turnoverandshield 15 30minutes run co...

Page 12: Step 1 Placefoodinovenin microwave safe cxmtaincr and closethedoor n TIMECOOK Im Step2 TouchTIMECOOKI H Step3 Selectyourcookingtime Forexample touch2 1and5 for twominutesand 15seconds Step4 TouchT...

Page 13: browning When microwaving you usesmallstripsof foil to shieldihin parts such m the tipsof wingsand legson poultry which wou id cook before iargerparts Arcing Sparkscausedby toomuchmetalinthe microw...

Page 14: ...babyfoodinjars evenwithoutlids becausefoodwillheatunevenly Do notwarmfoodsinnarrow necked bottlesbecausepressurecan buildup Cookingandheating Heatingandservingof foodsandbeverages Styrofoamwillmeltif...

Page 15: ...sticwrap Microwavepastrybitesuncoveredto retaintheircrispness Bakery Foods Calm coffeecake doughnuts sweetrolls 1piece nutor fruitbread 2 pieces 4 pieces 9 in cakeor r sor doughnuts Ilinnerrolls muffi...

Page 16: ...Cm crplateof foodwithwaxpaperor plasticwrap Smdw khes Xieat cheese filling with 2 slices of bitiid 1102servings Mcd Hig 7 2 to4 min 3 to4 servings Mcd lfigh 7 4 to 6 min hoist filling Sloppy IOCS bar...

Page 17: ...Freshlyfrozen 1lb 4105 5tc 7 fhd f h blocks Crabmeat 1 02 package Oysters 12 oz can 4 to6 4 06 Scallops I lb package 4 to6 4106 Shellfish large Cmbkgs 1to2 2 to 3 2t03 8to 10oz Lobsterttiils 1 o2 3t04...

Page 18: ...time Defrostforsecondhalfoftime Letstandfor30 minutesto 1hourinrefrigerator Turnoverafterfirsthalfof time Letstand5 minutes Turnoverafterfirsthalfoftime Letstand 15minutes Rotatepackage1 4turnafterfi...

Page 19: ...hwithdrinkinggiasspiacedopen end up incenter cakes and Desserts L Aiwaysusemicrowave safe cookware 4 Coolcakeindishsetdirectlyonheat proofsurfaceor wooden 2 Beforeaddingmeasuredamountof bittter grease...

Page 20: ...utter Add 10 oz packagemarshmallows coverwithwaxpaperandmicrowave to melt Stirin 5 cupscrispyricecereal Pressfirmlyintobuttered2 qL oblong glassdish Covergrahamcrackerwithchocolate andmarshmallow Cere...

Page 21: ...ghtly melted Heat2 cupshottapwater5 to 6 minutes on High 10 Breakeggsontoplate puncturemembrane Swirlboilingwater withspoon slipineggsgently Cover Microwaveat Medium 5 1 2to 1min peregg Letstandin wat...

Page 22: ...enclosingroastincookingbag placeinmicrowave safe dish If yoLJ use u mot thermometer whilecooking make sureit is sateforuseinmicrowave ovens m Power Level Time Food Container Cover orInternal Temp Comm...

Page 23: ...Cookingbag Waxpaper Plasticwrap Cookingbag Waxpaper Waxpaper High 10 High 10 Medium 5 High Medium 5 Medium 5 High 10 High 10 3 4to 1min 1to 1Xmin 2 to2Xmin 2 4to 3 min 15to 19min perlb 18to27min 15to...

Page 24: ...Saltingbeforecookingmaycause onccornerto vent darkeninganddehydrationof surface S Largervege ablc pieceswilltakelongertocookthan 3 Arrangevegetables suchasasparagus withthethickestpiecesto snudlcrpiec...

Page 25: ...1 clt casserole place2 tablespoons water 8 to 12min 13to 16min 9 4to 11min 6 to8 min 4 to5 min perear 7 to8 min 4 to5 min perear 8 to 10min 10to 11min 5tO 7min 12to 16min 3 to4 min perpotato 7 to9 min...

Page 26: ...SUCH AS CLEANING POWDERS OR STEEL ANDPLASTIC PADS THEYWILLMARTHE SURFACE Specialnotewhenusing Brown NSeardish Ifgreaseis present highheatgenerated on bottom ofaBrown NSeardish maycausethe greasetobum...

Page 27: ...orereplacing Toreplacegreasefilter slidethe filterin theframesloton theback of theopening 11 Pullfilterupwardandto the front to lockintoplace Chmmd Filter on somemodels Some modelsarenotven ed to he o...

Page 28: ...en Usea solution of warmwateranddetergent About 1 ablespoonof ammonia maybe addedto thewater Take care not to touchthe filtersand enamelsurfaceswiththissolution ammoniawilldarkenmetal 28 GROUNDING INS...

Page 29: ...erature fooddensityor amountof foodsin oven TouchTIMECOOKI 11padandadditionalcookingtime forcompletion oIncorrectpowerlevelentered CheckCookingGuidefor recommendedpowerlevel s Dishwasnot rotated h wne...

Page 30: ...ts anci allGECknuirte RenewalPartsare ftdlywarranted VISA MasterCarci and Discovercards are acceptmi User maintenance instructions contained in this booklet cover proce dures intended to be performed...

Page 31: duringwarrantyperiod or beyond call800 GE CARES 800 432 2737 H K3 NOTCQVERED sSetvicetripstoyourhometoteach eReplacement of housefusesor youhowto usetheproduct resettingofcircuitbreakers a Readyou...
