Broiler Pan and Rack
Lower oven
After broiling, remove the broiler pan from the oven.
Remove the rack from the pan. Carefully pour out
grease from the pan into a proper container. Wash and
rinse the broiler pan and rack in hot water with a
soap-filled or plastic scouring pad.
If food has burned on, sprinkle the rack with
detergent while hot and cover with wet paper
towels or a dishcloth. Soaking the pan will remove
burned-on foods.
The broiler pan may be cleaned with a commercial
oven cleaner. Do not use an oven cleaner on the rack.
Both the broiler pan and rack can also be cleaned in
the dishwasher.
Do not store a soiled broiler pan and rack anywhere in
the cooking center.
Do not clean the broiler pan or rack in the
self-cleaning oven.
Porcelain Enamel Cooktop
The porcelain enamel finish is sturdy but
breakable if misused. This finish is acid-resistant.
any acid foods spilled (such as fruit juices,
tomato or vinegar) should not be permitted to remain
on the finish.
If acids spill on the cooktop while it is hot, use a dry
paper towel or cloth to wipe it up right away. When
the surface has cooled, wash with soap and water.
Rinse well.
For other spills such as fat smatterings, wash with
soap and water or cleansing powders after the surface
has cooled. Rinse well. Polish with a dry cloth.
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