GE ZBD3000R45BW User Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for ZBD3000R45BW

Page 1: ...Your Dkhw sher ...

Page 2: ...her If youreceived a hm ed fihwasher Immediatelycontactthedealer orbuilder thatsoldyouthe dishwasher Savetimeandmoney Beforeyoucalifor service o ChecktheProblemSolver pages 18 20 It listscausesofminor operatingproblemsthatyoucan correctyourself IfYou Needsenice Toobtainservice seethe ConsumerServicespageinthe backofthisbook We reproudofourserviceand wantyoutobe pleased If forsome reasonyouarenotha...

Page 3: ...theOFFposition doesnotdisconnect theappliance TOtitimize thepossibfli fromthepower supply We Ofhju recommend having aqualified technician service yourappliance When loading items tobe washed A w mRoGEN A Locate sharp itemssothat GAS is produced bythechemical theyarenotlikely todamage action within yourwaterheater thedoorseal and Itcanaccumulate inthewater B Loadsharp knives withthe heater and or w...

Page 4: ...efore loading Followloading instructionsonpages14through16 R SE HOL J isforrinsing partialloadswhichwillbe washed later Do not use detergent Do not useDELAYSTART withthiscycle Tochangea setting justtouch desiredpad Your dishwasher isnowautomatically programmedincludinga SoilLevel Selection CycleIndicatorLights tellyouthecompleteprogram Anda numberintheSYSTEMS MONI R atright willtellyou howlongthec...

Page 5: ...ouwillnot hearanywashactionrightaway Dishwasherwillproceedthrough yourentireprogramandturnoff automatically Todelaythestart touchDELAY START pad TheSYSTEMS MONI R willread 1 hrsdelay Touchpadonceagainforeach hourdesiredupto9 hours The machinewillcountdownandstart automatically atthecorrecttime Note Don tforgettoputdetergent incupandclosecup Do notuse DELAYSTART withtheRINSE HOLDcycle Tochangea cyc...

Page 6: ...anbe madeuntil thelockisreleased Theword LOCKEDappearsintheSYSTEMS ISYSTEMSMONI R LLomm HI LOCKED I MONI R Childrencannot accidentally stirt dishwasher by touchingpads Theonlycontrol unaffectedistheDELAYSTART If thisselectionhasbeenmade dishwasherwillstartautomatically afterwhateverdelayyouhave Touch here twice within 3 seconds selected to lock or unlock the control panel IfCycle k interrupted dis...

Page 7: ...splayed duringPre wash Pre rinseandMainWashperiods Displayed duringRinseperiodsfollowing theMainWash IndicatesHEATEDDRYINGhasbeenselected Indicatescompletion ofRINSE HOLDcycle Remainsonuntildoorisunlatched Indicateswaterisbeingheated in washorrinseperiod to temperature necessaryfor goodwashability Theminutescountdown isonholdforuptoamaximum of20minutes when HEATING isdisplayed WASHING RXNSE w DRYI...

Page 8: ...Checkthe lowerrackforanyitemthatcouldblockthe Thisisusuallycausedbya utensil washarmandrepositionit stickingthroughthebottomofthe silverwarebasketor a pothandle 3 Relatchdoor throughthe lowerrack N E If thewasharmisnotblockedand BLOCKEDWASH AM displaystillappears youmaystartwashcycleby pressingSTART pada secondtime BLOCKED Thedishwasheristakinglonger Thisdishwasherisdesignedto automatically compen...

Page 9: ...e It1s normalfora smallamountofwatertoremaininthe bottomoftubtokeepthewaterseallubricated 2 If youseewaterenteringthedishwasher closeandlatch thedoor Shutoffthewatersupplytothedishwasher 3 If waterisgoneandno waterisenteringthedishwasher restartcycle 4 If C4repeats shutoffthewatersupplytothedishwasher Callfor service Thiscanbecausedbyeitherof 5 thesereasons Notenoughwaterisenteringthe Unlatchthedo...

Page 10: ...wer tothedishwasher atthefise or circuitbreaker wil correctthe problem Restorepowerafieraboutfive secondsandtry thecycleagain Checktheguideon pages8 10 forthingsyoucandotocorrectthe problem wmT To Do Avoid showers orlaundryjustpriortorunningthedishwasher Usethe DELAYSTART featuretostartdishwasher whenthewaterheateris uptonormaltemperature Adjust householdwaterheaterthermostatto 120 F minimum If C6...

Page 11: ...pCI dLUIC forgoodwashability IfSANIOPTIONisselectedtimemaybefurtherextendeduntilwatertemperaturereaches140 to 145 F infinalrinse DryingCycleOptions HEATEDDRYING AvailableonallwashcyclesexceptRINSE HOLD Add34minutestowashcycletime ENERGYSAVERDRYING Dryingheateristurnedoff Dishesdrynaturally Energy saving tips Thepowerconsumptionofyour dishwashercanbeminimizedif youfollowthesesuggestions Operatethed...

Page 12: ...enter arearemainsclearaddrinseagent Yourdishwasher srinseagent containerholds4fiounces This shouldlastabout3 months Fill as needed Do notoverfill If you accidentallyspill Wipe up therinseagentwitha damp cloth Don tleavethespillin the dishwasher It cankeepyour detergentfromworking If you can tfind anyrinseagent write BENCKISERCONSUMER PRODUCTS INC JETDRY 55 FederalRoad P O Box 1991 Danbury CT06813 ...

Page 13: ...ll amountsofsoft foods butlargeamountswill be difficultto handle 3 Tryto removefoodscrapsand placedishesin dishwasherbefore soilhasa chancetodryandbecome hard Disheswithdried onsoilare moredifficultto washandmaynot comecleanin theNORMAL WASHcycle Rememberto use yourRINSE HOLDcyclefor small holding loads DetergentUsageGuide powderorliquid CYCLES POTSCRUBBER NORMAL WASH SHORTWASH CHINACRYSTAL RINSE ...

Page 14: ...ycle Don tblockit or loadtallthingsnextto it Also be carefulnotto let a portionof anitemsuchas a potor dishhandleextendthroughthebottomrack Thiscould blockthewasharmandcausepoorwashingresults Thetoprack is bestforglasses cups andsucers Two rowsof cupscan be washedwhenusingthe folding shelf Loadthebottomrowfirst thenfolddownthe shelfandloadthetoprow Cupsand glassesfit best alongthe sides Thisis the...

Page 15: ...traspacefor cupsand longutensilson twolevels Loadthelowerlevelfirst thenfold the shelfdown Howtoloadthe BOTTOM MCK _ Fitplatesandsaucersbetweenthepins Loadplatters potsandbowlsalongthesides incornersorin theback As shownhere thisplateis beingplacedwiththe soiled sidefacingthe centerof the rackso wateranddetergent fromwasharmcanreachsoiledsurfaces 15 ...

Page 16: ...ed Precaution Takeoutanythingthat mayfallor extendthroughthe bottomof thebasket providedthelowersidedoesnot shieldthe soiled surfaceinsidefromthe water Putflatwarein theremovablebasketwithhandlesup to protectyourhands Mixknives forksand spoonsso theydon tnesttogether Distributeevenly Thesecuritycellcover hingedin thehandle can be loweredto eithersideto securelight weightitemsfrom theeffectsof the ...

Page 17: ...tireset Rinseifnotwashing immediately Saltyor acidfoods canstainiflefton Rinseifnotwashingimmediately Saltyor acidfoodscan stainiflefton Drydetergentcancausedifficult to remove blackspots Placeinbacksectionofsilverware basketto avoidexposure todetergentfromthedetergentcup Plastics YES Stainlesssteel Don tputinsamesilverware basketwithstairdesssteel Contactbetweenmetalscan damagesilver Don twashcop...

Page 18: ...ct Seepage 12 Unloadthe bottomrackfirst Waterfromdishesin thetoprackmaybe spilling ontothe bottomrack Checkfor improperloading Dishesshouldn tnesttogether Avoidoverloading Checktherinseagentdispenserto seethatit snot empty Checkinletwatertemperature It shouldbe atleast 120 F Totest seepage 12 Waterpressuremaybe temporarilylow Turnon a faucet Is watercomingoutslower thanusual If so waituntilpressur...

Page 19: ...r2 cups 500ml of whitevinegarintothebottomof thedishwasher 6 Closethedoorandallowto completethe cycle H vinegarrinsedoesn twork Repeatas above exceptuse 1 4cup 60d of citric acidcrystalsinstead of vinegar Mostdrugstorescarrycitricacidcrystals If yours doesn t callGEFactoryService Usinga vinegaror citricacidcrystalrinsemorethantwicea month Considera homewatersoftener If vinegaror citricacidcrystalr...

Page 20: ...ITOR Sudsingdetergentsarenotmeantfordishwashers USEONLYAUTO C DISHWASHER DETERGENTS TO AVOIDSUDSING To remove suds fromthe tub Openthe dishwasher Let sudsevaporate Add 1gallon of coldwaterto thetub Closeandlatchthe dishwasher Topumpoutwater touch STARTtwotimes thenimmediatelyto lch CLEAR RESET Repeatif necessary w Sudscancauseunitto ovefflow That swhyit sso importantto usea detergentthat s designe...

Page 21: ... codesrequireairgaps If youhavean airgap checkit atleastoncea month ITISN PARTOFYOURDISHWASHER IT ISN YI COVEREDIN YOUR WAMNTY The airgapiseasytoclean Withmosttypes firstturnoffthe dishwasher thenliftoffthechrome cover Thenunscrewtheplasticcap andcheckforanybuildupofgrit A toothpickmakescleaningeasy Checktheairgapanythneyour dishwasher isn tdrainingwell Notwing your dkhwmher inwin r Wo d agaimt fr...

Page 22: ...thelowerpanelcanbe replacedby V4 thickwoodinserts to matchyourkitchencabinets Getthemfromyournearest cabinetor lumberdealer Dimensionsfor V4 woodinserts DoorPanel 19 H x 23 6 W LowerPanel 3 1X6 H x 23 6 W Decorative doorpanelandlower panelwoodinsertsthickerthan V4 canbe installedprovidedthe raisedportionsof theinsertsare routedto a V4 thicknesson all sidesin orderto fit intothe panel trims Accesso...

Page 23: ...ce will still be there after your warranty expires Pur chase a GE contract while your war ranty is still in effect and you llreceive a substantial discount With a multiple year contract you re assured of future service at today sprices lecommunication Device for tie Deaf hdividuals qutified to service their own appliances can have needed parts or accessories sent directly to their home The GE part...

Page 24: ...e shop or for the servicetechnician stravel costs to your home All warranty servicewill be provided by our FactoryService Centers or by our authorized Customer Care servicersduring normalworking hours Shouldyour applianceneed service duringwarranty period or beyond call 800 GE CARES 800 432 2737 WHAT Is NOTCOVERED Setvice trips to your home to teach you how to use the product Read your Use and Car...
