GE WWA8480G Use And Care Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for WWA8480G

Page 1: ...i Bleach andFabtic Sofiener Dispensers pfi l Ushgthe Mhi Baskertub j Ener saving tips plo Sorting andIoadhg Choosing Detergen ppi p18 V the and money Before youcall for Sewice usethe Problem Solver p20 Your Direct Line toGeneral Electric TheGE Answercenter800 626 2ooo ...

Page 2: ...eralElectricCompany AppliancePark Louisville KY 40225 H you receiveda damaged washer immediatelycontact the dealer or builder that sold you the washer save time and money before you call for service Checkthe Problem Solver pages 20 25 It listsminor causesof operatingproblemsthat you can correct yourself It could saveyou an unnecessaryservicecall writed fn m the modeiZtmil said numbers You llfind t...

Page 3: ...substancesto the wash water Do not usethesesubstances around your washerand or dryer during operation HYDROGEN GAS isproduced by the chemicalactionwithinyour waterheater and the gascan accumulatein the waterheater and or water pipesif hot water has not beenused for a periodof two weeksor longer HYDROGEN GAS CAN BEEXPLOSIVE UNDER THESE CIRCUM STANCES So to preventthe possibilityof damageor injury i...

Page 4: ...i 13asket tub when washingregularloads You llfind completedetailson how and when to use the Mini Baskettub cmpage 9 Load clothesinto the wash basket beingcareful not to over load CIothesshould be belowthe i g rj g see page 12for more loadinginformatiorl Posi tion Filter 1 pan on agita tor and NMmeasured amount of detergent Seepages 13through 17 for kifmmatim cmdetergentsand Othtr ktunclryadditives...

Page 5: ... such as shirts blouses dressesand similar wearingapparel with normal soil ing An extendedcool downspray rinseis providedto minimize wrinkling KNITS CYCLE A combinationof agitationand soak for more effectivepolyester knits laundering PIUS an extended cool downsprayrinseisprovided to minimizethe settingof wrinkles Regular EXTRA RINSE OF Cycles i 1 m mE s _ I ma Tr LIGHT _ 3 rLJw lTHE PAGE for contr...

Page 6: ...t Perm Press Perm Press Perrn Press Knitsor Delicates Silksor Woolens Silksor Woolens Knitsor Delicates Cottons Colorfast Knitsor Delicates Cottons Non Colorfast with5 min soak Cottons Non Colorfast with5 min soak Cottons Non Colorfast or Cottons Colorfast Knitsor Delicates Cottons Colorfast or Cottons Non Colorfast Cottons Non Colorfast Knitsor Delicates Knitsor Delicates cycle selection Regular ...

Page 7: or pastemadeof waterand granulardetergent Closezippers Wash2 or 3 at a time or add towelsto balance GARMENTMUSTBETUMBLEDRIED Youmaypreferto usea mildtypedetergent Do babyclothesseparately Pretreat spots Rinsediapers nightgowns pads sheetsafter use Keepdiapersina covered pailof coldwaterand conditioningagentlikeBorateembrand Youmaypreferto usea mildtypedetergent Do hand knitgarmentsbyhand or i...

Page 8: ...t spin Thiswillcausethe dispenserto emptytoo soon When usingFabricSoftener Dispenserwith the Mini Basket tub useone 1 teaspoon 5 ml of concentratedsofteneror one 1 tablespoon 15ml of diluted softener Do not use the Fabric Softener Dispenserwith the Soak Setting or the Mini Quick Cycle e Reg6Jtar EXTRA WlfdSE Cycles 9 SOAK LIGHT_ SOIL 7 NORMAL0 Push any Fabric Care Selection button and turn CycleSe...

Page 9: ...ounds or for easyand economical washingof delicatehand washables Here show to usethe Mini Basket tub J RemoveFiber Flo pan Place Mini Baskettub on agitator Pull the agitator toward the front of the machinefor easier installationand removalof Mini Baskettub Load clothesin Mini Baskettub Seepage 11fo sortinghelp Put 1 to 1A cup 60to 80ml detergentin Filter l lopan TouseBleachand Fabric SoftenerDispe...

Page 10: ...oads adjust the amount of water Small loads shouldhavelowerwater levels 6 Washin off peak utilityhours Yourlocalutilitycan tellyou whichare the off peak hours 7 Use your washer sNormal Spin Thiswillremovemore water during spin whichwillshorten dryingcycleto savemoreenergy Yotican usethe Normal Spinin placeof the GentleSpinusually recommendedfor Permanent Press items Switchto anyof the Fabric Care ...

Page 11: ...essarymending rips hems tears Checkallitemsfor areas of heavysoilor stain Removestains FOR STAIN REMOVALCHART SEE PAGES 18and 19 Turn I olyKnitsinside outto minimizefabric surfacedamage EXTRA cLEANING special Modern Fabrics cycles for lrem ovabie heavy and oilysoils Seepage 5 for instructionson Extra Cleaningcyclesoperations Seepage 18 Stain Removal Guide Seepage7 SpecialInstructions Seepage20 The...

Page 12: ...orts 6 Standard Pillow Cases 5T shirts 4 Pair Trousers 6 Handkerchiefs Thisillustrationwithclothesjust reachingthe ClothesRetaining Ring showsa properload Clothes haveampleroom to movebecause theyare not packeddown nor wrappedaroundthe agitator Clothesare loadeddry sincewet itemsare apt to pack down which encouragesoverloading This size load requiresa fullwater fill what is the best sizeload of cl...

Page 13: ...types Cleansyntheticsand fabric blendswell Are excellentas concentrates for removingspots Completelydissolveevenin cold water Perform wellin soft water Disadvantages Are not availablein some areas Generallydo not cleanwellin hard water Maybe difficultto dissolve especiallyin coldwater Shouldnot be usedin cold water Thosecontainingsodium carbonateas an ingredientmay causeharmful limestone depositso...

Page 14: ...Id washing practicesmay delaylimestone h nagt to Clothes The followingrecommendations willtemporarily delaythe effects of limestoneon your clothes Theseare generallygood washing practicesand willgivebetter soil removal whether or not you have hard water or use carbonate detergent Useof hotter washwater for exampleup to 150 Ffor cottons This also improvesoily soil removal If you wash in coolerwater...

Page 15: ...extto the agitator after the clotheshavebeenloaded If your detergentdoesn tdissolve well pre dissolvethe detergentin hot waterthen pour directlyinto the washbasket Recommendedamount ofdetergent for average SOin kmll high sucking powder Water Water Level Setting Hardness Extra Large Medium Small Mini Large Basket VERY HARD 2 cups i cups 11 2 cups 1 cups 3 cup 10 20 Gr High Sucking Powder Type HARD ...

Page 16: ...hard water If youhave HARDwater less than 10 grains and youusephosphate detergent youalsohaveno problem But if youhavemorethan 10 grains youwillneedto softenyour waterwitheither L An installedwatersoftenerin yourhome or 2 Theuseof a packagedwater softener For information on Water softeners9seechart Mowe Addthis much water softener with afull water kvt l Grainsof hardness 0 10 10 15 15 20 20 25 25 ...

Page 17: ...en ssleepwear silk wool mohair spandex leather or non fast colors Dilutebleach beforeusingon any fabric 3 CheckManufacturers Care Labelsfor special instructions 1 Maybe usedon all kinds of fabrics 2 Is most effectivein hot water 1 Helpsmakeclothesfluffy and soft 2 Reducesstatic electricity 3 Usecarefully Toomuchmay cause stainingon someclothes Usecarefully Toomuch may cause stainingon someclothes ...

Page 18: ...ts maypick up dirt from the wash vater Then they willbecomevery visibleand you may think theywere causedby the wash cycleitse f once these spots becomevisible howcan you remove them s Rub in undiluted liquid detergentand let stand 30 minutes s Re washusinghottest water the fabriccan stand How tan you Dr event these shin removalguide stab Adhesives Chewing urn etc Antiperspirants Deodorants mood Ch...

Page 19: ...hturpentine or banana oil Launder in warmwater Applyundiluted liquiddetergentand launder in warm water If color has changedyou may be ableto restore it by treating withammonia or vinegar If any stain remains treat with safedry cleaningfluid or bleach accordingto Stain RemovalHint on oppositepage launder and dry Applyrust remover usingmanufacturer s directions Rinseand launder other washable Fabric...

Page 20: ...warmerwash water Seepage 15 Overloadingwillcauseabrasionwhichcreatesexcessivelint Wash feweritemswith correctwater level Toomuch bleach Usecorrectamount of bleachaccordingto packagedirections Not enough detergentto hold lint in suspensionduringwashcycle Increaseamount of detergent Seepage 15 Incorrectuse of fabric softener If usedin wash cycle softenersmay react with detergentto createa whitedepos...

Page 21: ...ute soak issufficient However whenusingextendedsoaksfor heavily soiledgarmentsyou may needto usetwicethe recommendedamount of detergent Useof soap in hard water Switchto a phosphate detergent or follow sixstepsdescribedabove Washingtoo longmay resultin increasedsoildeposition Useshorter washtimesfor smallerloads Detergentdissolvestoo slowly Detergentmust be presentin the wash solutionat the start ...

Page 22: ...aindamagecan occur do not usein the washer use a plasticcontainer Improper use of fabric softener Neverpour fabric softener directlyon clothes alwaysdilutebefore adding to rinsewater Dilutesoftener before fillingyour Fabric Softener Dispenser Seepage8 Also do not lift lid during spin Thismay causeimproper dispensing resulting in stains To removestains dampen stainedarea and rub with undiluted liqu...

Page 23: ...softener Proper usewillminimizewrinkliqg TON lmwe vvrhlkks 1 Retumbleon Permanent Press setting 2 Rerinseand dry on Permanent Press setting 3 4 5 6 If unsuccessful retumbleon highheat for 10 12 minutesand hang immediately Iron carefully Sendto drycleanersfor pressing Somewrinklesmayremairiwhichcannot be removed Pins cmgarmentsor sharp objectsleft in pockets Check tomake sure all such objectsare re...

Page 24: ...and isnot causedby washer Slowprocessby washingon anyFabric Care Program whichhasa GentleSpin Seepage 4 Too largeloads or too littlewater Load washeronlywithnumber of itemsthat willmovefreely Selectcorrectwaterlevel Pretreat withliquiddetergent Use Extra Cleaning cycles Seepage 5 o 1 Make sure cord ispluggedinto outlet o Make sure both hot and cold faucets are turned on Make sure controlsare setan...

Page 25: ...chspin period as the motor stopsand the spin brake insidethe transmission locksin tThissound isnormal Heavilyunbalancedloadscan causethe washerto vibrate excessively during spin and maycauseit to movefrom its original position In extremecases usuallyoccurswhenwashinga single heavyitemor a smallload whenwater levelissethigherthan necessary the spinbasketmay strikethe outer tub creatinga loud but ha...

Page 26: ... The Activator agitator Removeat regularintervals about 4 to 6 months andremove any lint that may haveaccumu lated No tools are needed simply grasp agitator with both hands and pull straightup sharply The slottedsectionat the top of the metal shaft has alight coatingof lubricant to preventparts sticking together H thisarea appearsto be dry apply alight coat of greaseor Petroleum Jellyaround the sl...

Page 27: ...r further help Ek rvk e contracts For trouble freeservicebeyond D w f G mm MTaM 1 c the written warranty period i J h 5 f If you prefer to budgetyour repairexpenditures Servicecontracts let you pay today spricesfor insteadof beingsurprisedby them GE offers 1 _ _ x v servicea month a year or severalyearsfrom servicecontracts for varyinglengthsof timeon e i now And you llreceiveservicefrom GE all GE...

Page 28: ...e technician s travel costs to your home All warranty service will be provided by our Factory Service Centers or by our authorized Customer Care servicers during normal working hours Look in the White or Yellow Pages of your teiephone directory for GENERAL ELECTRICCOMPANY GENERAL ELECTRIC FACTORY SERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPO NT FACTORYSERVICE or GENERAL ELECTRIC CUSTOMER CARE SERVICE Replacement...
