GE WWA7800M Use And Care Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for WWA7800M

Page 1: ...e 6 7 Stain Removal Guide 19 Cycle Settings 5 Storage Vacation Tips 26 Detergents Other Additives 13 17 User Maintenance Instructions 26 Energy Saving Tips 10 Warranty BackCover Filter Flo Pan 4 9 26 Hard Water 16 Limestone Deposits 14 26 Loading the Washer 4 12 Mini Basket Tub 9 Mini Quick Cycle 5 9 Model and Serial Numbers 2 Operating Instructions GE ww fit Pre Treating 7 11 1 m 6z 2M Models WWA...

Page 2: ...thisbook call GEAnswerCenter 800 626 2000 consumerinformationservice Paraobtenerlaversi6nen espafiolde estemanual name a GEAnswerCenter serviciode informaci6n para elconsumidor teldfono800 626 2000 FORYOURSAFETY if you smell gas 1 open windows 2s Don t touch electrical switches 3 Extinguish any open flame 4 Immediatelycall yourgasSuppiiera Ailwashinginstructiontermsinthis bookconformtotheCareLabel...

Page 3: ...fttis appliance isusedby or near ctildren Donot allowehiidren to playinside onorwiththis apptiance oranytiscarded apptiance Dispose ofdiscarded appliances andshipping or paetingmatefialsproperly Beforediscarding awasher or removing fromservice9 remove thewasherlid Keep alllaundryaids suchas detergents bleaches fabricsokners etc outofthereachofchildren preferably inalockedcabket Observe allwarnings...

Page 4: ...bewashedintie Filter Flopan yiu vemadea selection tumhob to WSET andselectnewlevel WshCycleSelectorK obin and turn clockwisetoyour selected washsetting Seepage8 forinformation on howtouseBleachDispnser For informationonhowto usebleaches andfabricsofieners seepage 17 I A I I I Smf Closetielid Washerwillfillbut notagitateor spinwithtie lidopen Settingthe Contmk Usethe ControlsSettingGuideon pages6 a...

Page 5: ...for more effectivepolyester knitslaundering Usewith most soahng aidsto loosenembedded soilsandsmins 1 Pe R9Mns ntPress I I Permanent mss cycIm An exfendedcool downsprayrinse Forsmall lightlysoiledloadsyou needina hurry UsewithMINI BAS T tub only is providd to minimim t e sitting ofwrin es t I Rcglslar I ...

Page 6: ...entle warm Special Cycles Normal SoilSetting Down filled garments ifmachine washing is recommended Gentle Gentle Warm Permanent PressCycles BabyClothes Sturdy suchas Diapem Nightgowns Shirts Pads Sheets Receiving Blankets Coverall BabyClothes Delicate Normal Norma Hot Regular Cycles Normal orLightSoilSetting depending onamount ofsoil KnitsSetting LightSoilSetting Gentle Gentle warm S id Cycles Bla...

Page 7: ...rmth Washseparately Wet downgivesoffanodorwhichmaybeabsorbedbyothergarments Odordisappears when garmentisdry Treatheavilysoiledareaswithliquiddetergentorpastemadeofwaterand granulardetergent Closezippers Wash2 or 3ata timeor addtowelstobalance GARMENT MUSTBETUMBLEDRIED Youmayprefertouseamild type detergent Dobabyclothesseparately Pretreatspots Rinsediapers nightgowns padsandsheetsafieruse Keepdiap...

Page 8: Start the washer After washer fills and beginsto agitate push in the CycleSelector Knob and turn to SOAK CLE Pull out the CycleSelector Knob to complete the cycle For an extendedsoak allowthe washer to fill and agitatefor a few minutesto dissolvehe soakingagent Then push in the Cycle Selector Knob to stop the washer keep lid closed andallowtosoakforaslongas desired After desired soak period pul...

Page 9: ...amount of liquid bleach 1 4cup 60 ml directly into the bleach dispenser See page 8 for dispenser instructions I 1 0 The ini asket tub can be used with any cycle except the SOAK cycle WhenusingtheMINI 1 QUICK cycle the Nlini Basket tub shouid be used __ When washing stockings panty hose and other easily tangled items alwayshandle separately Tominimize tangling the use of a net laundry bag is recomm...

Page 10: ...ture setting onyourwasher temperatures approximately 90 to 11O F or handcomfo ble Ifyounotice thatsoilhasaccumulated after severalconsecutive washings use HotWashoccasionally if safe forfabrics Try to wash less often Save articles of the same type of fabric until youhavea fill load If youmustwashsmallerloads adjusttheamountofwater Small loadsshouldhavelowerwaterlevels Washinoff peakutilityhours Yo...

Page 11: ...tions Do anynecessarymending rips hems tears Checkall itemsfor areas of heavy soilor stain Removestains For STAIN MMOVAL G E SEE PAGE19 rn PolyKnitsinside out to minimize fabricsurfacedamage oatingand fie treating a goodwayto loosendeepsoils and staim A thoroughsoakingwithdetergent or specialsoakingagentisanother waytoremoveheavysoils embeddeddirtandevensome stains Soakingcanbeeitheracompletely se...

Page 12: ... size oftlle load See page If youare machine washing Permanent Press clothesthat you plan to line dry or drip dry use extra care to minimizewrinkling in the washprocess Be carefulnottooverload washer Permanent Press clothes must haveampleroom to move freely A MediumsizePermanent Pressloadisthelargestthatshould be washed Usemorewaterthanyouwould fora regularload Use Medium WaterLevelfora SmallLoad ...

Page 13: ...ans syntheticsand fabric blendswell Are excellentasconcentrates for removingspots Completely dissolveevenin cold water Perform well in sofiwater Disadvan es Arenotavailable insomeareas Generallydonotcleanwellin hard water Maybedifficulttodissolve especiallyin coldwater Shouldnotbe usedincoldwater Thosecontaining sodium carbonate asaningredient may causeharmfullimestone deposits onclothesandwasherw...

Page 14: ...precipitating watersofiener suchasCalgon brandwithphosphate a W pmdm y lay bane e b C ome Thefollowing recommendations wdltemporarilydelaytheeffects of1imestone onyourclothes Thesearegenerallygoodwashing practicesandwillgivebettersoil removalwhetheror notyouhave hardwateror usecarbonate detergent Usehotterwashwater for exampleupto 150 F forcottons Thisalsoimprovesoily soil removal If youwashincool...

Page 15: ...t granular or powdered For best results add detergentto the washbasketbeforeloading clothes If youloadyourclothes first add detergentnextto the agitator If yourdetergentdoesn tdissolve well predissolvethe detergentin hot water then pourdirectly into the washbasket WaterLevelSetting Water Mini Hardness Large Medium Small Basket VERY HARD 2 cups 1 cups 1Mcups Acup HighSudsing 10 20 Gr Powder pe HARD...

Page 16: ...d forget dl abouthard water If youhave HARDwater less than 10grains and youusephosphatede rgent you alsohaveno problem But if youhavemore than 10 grains you will need to softenyour waterwith either 1 An installedwater sofienerin your home or 2 The use of a pachged water softener For itiormation on water softenem seewide below Grainsof hardness o lo 1O E 15 20 20 25 25 30 over30 Whenusing o A cup h...

Page 17: ...eckManufacturers CareLabelsforspecial instructions 1 Maybeusedonallkindsoffabrics 2 Ismosteffective inhotwater 1 Helpsmakeclothesfluffyandsoft 2 Reduces staticelectricity 3 Usecarefully Toomuchmaycausestainingon someclothes 4 Donotpourdirectlyonclothes a Forthoserecommended foraddingtothewashcycle IsuchasRainBarrelbrand followmanufacturer s instructions exacfly Guardsagainstinfection bykillingmost...

Page 18: gallon 3 8liter of coolwater approximately 80 F C in a sinkorpan Soak stainedareafor5 minutesand launderinwasher TheCmeofthe hvisibBe shin Foodor cookingoilsonyour synthetic garmentsmaycausestains whicharevirtuallyinvisible and whichyoumaynotnoticeasyou putyourclothesintothewasher If thesestainsarenotcompletely removed inthewash theoilyspo maypickupdirtfromthewash water Thentheywillbecomevery ...

Page 19: ...ouge Powder Crayon Grease Oil Tar CodLiverOil Soakstainincoolwater If stainremains bleachaccording toStain kemoval Hintonopposite page launder FreshFruit FruitJuices Wine Vegetables orFood Coloring Sponge withwarmwater Bleachremaining stainwithnon chlorine bleach lpplyundiluted liquiddetergent Launder Treatmildewspots vhiletheyarefresh beforemoldhasa chancetoweakenfabric If ither typestainremains ...

Page 20: ...Toomuch bleach Use correct amountofbleach accordingto packagedirections Not enoughdetergentto holdlint in suspensionduring washcycle Increaseamountof detergent Seepage 15 Incorrect use offabric softener If usedin vash cycle softenersmayreact with detergenttocreate a whitedeposit Use sofienersin rinse cycleonlyunlesspackage specifiesaddingto washcycle Seepage 17for fabric sofienerinstructions Pilli...

Page 21: ...e t usuw a 30 minuteSO is Sufficient However whenusingextendd SO forheavtiysofledgarmentsyoumayneedtouse twicetherwommendd mount ofdetergent Useofsoapinhardwater Switchtoaphosphate detergent orfollowsk steps describedabove Wastig toolongmayresultinincreasedsodde sition Useshorterw h timesfor smallerloads Detergentdisso ves tooslowly Detergentmustbepresenth thewashsolutionattie startofagitation See...

Page 22: ...tiproper useoffabricsoftener Neverpourfabricsoftenerdirectlyonclothes alwaysdilutebeforeaddingtorinsewater Toremoveshim dampenstainedareaand rubwithundilutedliquiddetergent Re wash usingchlorinebleachif safeforfabric Somefabricswillshri whetherwashedina washeror byhand othersmaybe safelywashedbutwillshrinkina dryer FollowGarmentMmtifacturers Care kstructionsexactly If indoubt donotmachinewashor dr...

Page 23: ...t detergent e F luE to use fabfic sofiener Proper use will minimize wrintiing ToremovewMa Returnble on PermanentPress setting s Rerinseand d on Pe anent Press setting If unsuccessful retumbleonhighheatfor 10 12 minutesandhangimmediately Ironcarefilly Sendtodrycleanersforpressing Somewrinkiesmayremainwhichcannotbe removed gPinsongarmentsor sharpobjectsIefiinpockets Checktomakesureallsuchobjecti ire...

Page 24: ...RoBLE l SNAGS HOLES TEm ms OREXCESSWE WEAR continual ATER 5MPERATUW INcoRmm Pretreatwiti liquiddek ent o 1 Checkhousefises or circuitbr ers If metier applimceis sharingtie electzicd Iutlet removeit Washersho d haveseparateoutiet ...

Page 25: ...nctive soundwillbeheardattie endofeachspinperiodasthemotor stopsandthespinbrakeinsidethetransmission loch ti Thissoundisnormal Heaviiyunbalmcedloadscancausetie washertovibratiexcessively duringspin andmaycauseit tomovefromitsoriginalposition Inextremecases usuallyoccurs whenwashinga single heavyitemor a smallloadwhenwaterlevelissethigher an necessary thespinbasketmaystriketheoutertub creatingaloud...

Page 26: ...ut4 to6 months and removeanylintthat mayhaveaccumulated Notools areneeded simplygraspagitator withbothhandsandpu straight upsh ly Theslottti sectionat etop themetalshafthasa light coatingoflubricanttopreventparts stickingtogether If thisarea appearstobedry applya lightcoat ofgreaseor petroleum jellyaround theslottd sectionoftheshafi beforereplacingtheagitator Do notovergrease men replacingtheagita...

Page 27: ...irs can be handed injust one visit 1 WhateveryourquestionaboutanyGE majorappliance GEAnswerCenteP informationserviceisavailableto help Yourcall red yourquestion wilibe answeredpromptlyand courteouslyAnd youcan cdl ay time GEAnswerCenkfl serviceis open 24 hou a day 7 daysa week Youcan havethe securefeelingthat GEConsumerServicewillstillbe there afteryourwarrantyexpires Pur chasea GEcontractwhileyou...

Page 28: ... Lookinthe WhiteorYellowPages ofyourtelephonedirectory for GENERALELEmRlc COMPANY GENERALELE RIC F ORY SERVICE GENERALELEcTRlc HOTPOINTFAmRY SERVICEor GENERALELEmRlc CUSTOMER cARE SERVICE WHATB Nm mWRm Sewice tripstoyourhometo teachyouhowto usethe product Readyour use and cam materlai Ifyouthen have any questions aboutoperatingthe product pleasecontactyourdealerorour ConsumerAffairsofficeatthe add...
