Page 1: ...GEAppliances WKSR2100T WKXR2100T Part No 175D1807P185 Pub No 49 9927 ...
Page 2: ...e you do the laun T That s importanl because your new washer will be part of your family for many years And we hope you will be part of ours for a long lime J colne We flmnk you tt r bwing GE We appreciate your purchase and hope you _ll continue lo rely on us whenever you need quality appliances tbr your home Important Staplesa ssliporcancelled checkhere Proof of the original purchase date is need...
Page 3: ...washer Reviewthe Sectionon Troubleshooting Tips You ll find many answers lo common problems here If you review our charl of Troubleshooting Tips firsl x uIn W nol need 1ocall fbr sel_ice al all ff YouNeedService If you do need sewice you can relax knoxdng help isonly a phone call awW A lislof loll flee CtlSlOlner service nunlbers is included in the back secuon r xm can always call ll_e GE Answer C...
Page 4: ...ter heater that has not been used for two weeks or more Hydrogen gas can be explosive under these circumstances If lhe hot waler has not been used for lw weeks or more prevent the possibilily of damage or in juU by turning on all hot water fmlcels and allotting them u nm for several minums Do this before using aW electrical appliance which is connected to the hot water sysmm This simple procedure ...
Page 5: ... where it x_ll nol be exposed to temperatures below fleezing or exposed I1 lhe wealher Properly ground washer 1o conform xdlh all governing codes and ordinances Follow delails in Inslallafion Inslnlcfions YOUR LAUNDRY AREA Keep the area undemealh and around your appliances flee of combustible mamrials such as linl paper rags chemicals elc Close supervision is necessm T if dais appliance is used by...
Page 6: ...kerosene etc which mW ignite or explode Do not add these substances to tim wash water Do not use or place these substances around tar washer or yer during operation The laun y process can reduce tim flmne relardancy of fabrics To avoid such a resuh careflflly follow tim garment manufhcmrer s wash and care instnacfions To minimize the possibilily ofelecuic shock unplug dais appliance flom the power...
Page 7: ...lid to prevent children flom hiding inside Do not attempt lo repair or replace any pro1 of this appliance unless specifically recommended in lhis _mer s Manual or in published use repair inslrucfions fl_at you undersland and have the skills to can Otll Do not tamper xdlh controls REMEMBER Your continued health and safety are important to us Please read and follow this Safety Information carefully ...
Page 9: ...s _dll be less dO lhan when using Fasl spin speed Wash Rinse Temp Selecl the water temperature for the wash and rinse cycles Alwws follow fabric manufacturer s care label or insu ucfions when laundering Follow lhe waler lemperamre g_fide on washer lid Wash Cycle The wash cycle controls the lenglh of lhe washing process The charl below xdll help you malch lhe wash c vle selling xdlh x ur clolhing C...
Page 10: ...y fi llowing insu ucfions on the bottle Boil re starting the washer pour measured amounl of bleach direcllv into 1 leach dispenser Avoid splashing or over filling dispenser If you preter 1o use powdered 1 leach add it into the wash basket _th your detergent Nevapour undiluted liquid dT orine bleach directly ontoClothes or intothewashbasket DOnotPOUr powdered bleachintobleachdispenser Donotmix orin...
Page 11: ...eps Make _sure dispenser_ _ is_securely attached to agitator Use only liquid fal dc softener Pour into dispenser using m_lount recommended on package Add water to dispenser until it reaches the maximum fill line Donotstopthewasha during thefirstspin Thiswillcause the dispenser to empty too Soon Do not use the FabricSoftener Dispenser with Auto Soak Never pour fabric Softener directly on Clothes It...
Page 12: ... and pushing doom on the inside of lhe cup x_ilh your fingers Dispenser cup _dll pop flee fl om the cover _ To clean dispenser soak bolh the dispenser cup and lhe dispenser cover in lhe fblloxdng solution 1USgallon 3 8fiters warmwater i 1 4cup 60m heawduty iquUdetergent 1cup 240ml bleach If necessa T loosen 1 uild up _illa a dean sofi doda ailer soaking Do not use a stiff bl llsh ou ina roughen lh...
Page 13: ... Jse more detergent ifyou have hard water large loads greasy or oily soils or lower water temperature Loading YourWasher Load items loosely no higher than tim top row of holes in the washer rob When loading wet imms make sure you set the load water level high enough to allow the items to move fteely Wamr level should just cover the clolhes To add imms after washer has starred push in Cycle knob an...
Page 14: ...ntFilter It is seltkleaning requires no maintenance and is located under the agitator Exterior hnmediately _dpe off an spills Wipe _dth damp cloth T_ T not to hit surface with shin1 objects Movingand Storage Askthe service lechnician to remove water flom drain pump and hoses Do not store lhe washer where it xdll be exposed to the weather Call the GE Answer Center_ 800 626 2000 for information on h...
Page 15: ...Nposition Circuit breaker fuse is tripped blown Check house circuit breakers fllses Replace fl_ses or reset breaker Washer should have separate outlet Control is not set properly Check water temperature control and adjust Water supply is turned off Turn both hot and cold or improperly connected fmlcels full on and make sure hoses are connected lo correcl _lucels Water valve screens are stopped up ...
Page 16: ...neven Make sure hose connections are lJghl at fhucels and make sure end of drain hose is con eclly insermd in and secured lo drain facilily Check household plumbing You may need lo call a plumber Tighlen hoses at file faucels and into lhe water off _ler each use Check condition of lhe fill hoses dmy may need replacemenl _ler 5 ears Make sure washer is level and finn lo lhe floor Washer load is unb...
Page 17: ...1Jse wanner water temperature Load clothes no higher titan the top row of holes in the washer tub Make sure load size seleclor matches clothes load size Colored spots Incorrect use of fabric softener Incorrect use of fabric softener Dye transfer Check fabric softener package for instnmfions and follow directions for using dispenser Check fabric softener package R r instnmfions and follow direction...
Page 18: ...peated washing in water that is too hot Type of detergent Very soft water Pins snaps hooks sharp buttons belt buckles zippers and sharp objects left in pockets Undiluted chlorine bleach Wash in warm or cold waler _dlh plenty of detergent Sudlch It a lower sudsing delergenl brand and tollow inslnmfions on package T_ less detergent Faslen snaps hooks buuons and zippers Remove loose imms like pins ob...
Page 19: ...detergent especially _dth larger loads Use a waler conditioner like Calgon brand or install a water softener Water is not hot enough Make sure water heater is delivering water at 120 F 140 F 48 C 60 C Washer is overloaded Select load size to match clothes load Detergent is not Add demrgent as wash dissolving basket fills x_lh wamr betore you load clothes Dye transfer Sort clothes by color If fabri...
Page 20: ...iiiiiiOXiilliiiiHii_iiiHl _ Notes i_i iiiiii i_iiiiiiiii_ii_iiiiiiiiH_ ...
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Page 22: ...iiiiiiOXiilliiiiHii_iiiHl _ Notes i_i iiiiii i_iiiiiiiii_ii_iiiiiiiiH_ ...
Page 23: ... sel_ice costs TwentyYeats Fromthe date of the original purchase Thewasher basket ifit should thil due to a detect in materials or _rkmanship During this twenty year limitedwarranty you _dll be responsible tbr any labor or in home sel_ice costs Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the product Improper installation Failure of the product if it is abused misused or used for other than ...
Page 24: ...tial discount GE Consumer Service _dll still be there atier your warranty expires Discover cards are accepted Instructions contained in this manual cover procedures to be performed by any user Other servicing generally should be referred to qualified service personnel Caution must be exercised since improper servicing may cause unsafe operation ServiceSatisfaction If you are not satisfied xdfl_the...