GE TFX27RM Use & Care Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for TFX27RM

Page 1: ... 12 Energy SavingTips 2 StorageDrawers 10 11 Food SaverSystem 10 Drawer Cover Removal 11 Food Storage Suggestions 9 Temperature Controls 5 StorageTimes 9 Vacation MovingTips 14 Ice Dispenser 6 8 warran v BackCover Icemaker 6 8 WaterFilter Accessory 14 Installation 3 4 Adapter Plug 4 Adjustable Rollers 4 Clearances 4 ElectricalRequirements 3 4 Extension Cord 4 Grounding 3 GEhswer Centera Location 4...

Page 2: ...oorsmoreoften thannecessary o Closethe doorsas soonas possible particularlyin hot humidweather Be surethe doorsareclosed tightly Beforeleavingthehouseor retiringforthe night checkto be surethedoorshaven tbeenleft openaccidentally o Storeonlythosefoodsrequiring refrigerationin yourrefrigerator oWipemoisturefrombottlesand cartonsbeforeputtingthemin the refrigerator o Keepfoodscoveredto reduce moistu...

Page 3: ... Home mdGarden Note We stronglyrecommend thatanyservicingbe performed Bu eth NO 69says by a ua ified individual 6 Youmaysafelyrefreezefrozen foodsthathavethawediftheystill B Beforecleaning contaiiiicecrystalsor they are C Beforerep acing abuined out stillcold below 40 F lightbulb therefiigeratorshould Thawedgroundmeats oultry beunpluggedin orderto avoid orfishthathaveany off odor or contactwithali...

Page 4: ...ausea fue hazardfromoverheating wires Refrigerator Location Do not install refrigerator where temperature willgo below6001 becauseit willnotrunoftenenough to mtitain propertemperatures Do install it on a floor strong enoughto support it fullyloaded AlsoseeEnergy Saving Tips regardinglocation Ckarances Allowthefollowingclearancesfor easeof installation properair circulation andplumbingand electrica...

Page 5: ...temperature youset Ifyol 11 turn your hou lsehokl thermostat kklW 60 F atnight you maywanttoturnthelettered controlonestepcolder asfrom C to D Coolertemperatures inthe housemaycausethecompressto operatelessfrequently thus allowingthefreezercompartment towarmsomewhat Toprotectyour frozenfoodsupply leaveyour letteredsettingatthiscoldersetting fortheentirewinterorforwhatever periodoftimeyouareturning...

Page 6: ...oor d ook down into ezhtite Ificeis lockingthe chute Qkeit t ough witl a wooden p od e iM kee bik of se from Jl tig s ayMbeybnd e g ss p ce ass 6 Se t0 ice chute but not so cl oietbat itblo ks outco ng ic O ce d not be dispensedHItO hinglassi fine China ordelicate grystd they cancrackor chip fromtliecombinedpressureof your handpressingthemagainstthe qradleaqdicedroppingintothe cor iner esh be disp...

Page 7: ...nuedconsumption ofsuch discoloredicecubesmaybe injuriousto health If such discoloration is observed disawd theicecubes d contactyour GEFactoryServiceCenteror an authorizedCustomerCare Servicer ToDispenseIcem ld water eForice setselectorswitchto CUBEDor CRUSHED For water simplypositionglassbeneaththe wO d L WATEV eGripglassor othercontainer gentlyneartherim andpressrim firmlyagainsticeor water disp...

Page 8: ...dfusetogether TO RemoveIceCiibe StorageBino Lift theleftcornerto freethebin fromthe shelf andpullthe bin straightout whilesupportingit it frontandback lb ReplaceIceCube StorageBin Slidethe binbackuntilthe tabon thebin locksintotheslotin the shelf IfIceIs Not Used Frequentlye Old icecubeswillbecome cloudyandtastestale Emptyice storagebin periodicallyandwash it in lukewarmwater Be sureto allowstorag...

Page 9: packagedvegetablescanbe stored intheiroriginalwrapping Note Special fieshfoodcompa nt drawers makeitunnecessary towrap certain fooakwhichthey vebeen designed topreserve These drawers aredescribed onpage10 3 0store ice cream l ine quality icecream withhighcream content willnormallyrequire slightlylowertemperaturesthan more airy already packaged brandswithlowcreamcontent It willbe necessaryto exp...

Page 10: ...wa streamof coldair fromthefreezer compartmentto flowaroundthe drawer The variabletemperature control regulatesthe airflowfromthe freezercompartment Drm ver Removal Drawers willstopbeforecoming all thewayout ofrefrigeratorto helppreventspillingontofloor Drawerscaneasilybe removedby tiltingup slightlyandpullingpast stop location To removedrawers when the fresh foodcompartment door cannot be openedf...

Page 11: ...stem m models so equipped Cooking serving storage dishes withdurablelidsfit intoa space savingunder the shelf rack Dishes canbe removedfromandreturned to therack as needed andtherack andshelfto whichit is attached canbe relocatedanywherein the freshfoodcompartment Dishesandlidsare esafeforuse in microwaveovens osafeforuse inrefrigeratorsand freezers odishwashersafe QuickServewdishesonlyare safe fo...

Page 12: ...ndout of the trackson the rear wallof the refrigerator 111111 If shelf supports at desired level on right wall do not have tabs merelylowershelfintoplaceon supports Engage i top lug jp 1 2 Lower to lock into place DeepDoorShelvesin FreezerCompartment Detachableshelfextendersdeepen andenclosethreefixeddoor shelves providingmorestorage roomandgreaterstorage flexibility TOremove LiftPorta Binstraight...

Page 13: ...of spongeor cloth whencleaningaroundswitches lightsor controls Use warmwaterandbakingsoda solution about a tablespoonof bakingsodato a quartof water Thisbothcleansandneutralizes odors Rinsethoroughlywithwater and wipedry Otherpartsof therefrigerator includingdoorgaskets meatand vegetabledrawers icestoragebin and allplasticparts can be cleanedthe sameway Do notuse cleansingpowdersor other abrasivec...

Page 14: ...eaveopenboxof sodain refrigerator Leavedoorsopen For shorter vacations remove perishablefoodsandleavecontrols atregularsettings However if roomtemperatureis expectedto dropbelow60 F followsame instructionsasfor extended vacations Moveicemakerfeelerarmto OFF up positionandbe sureto shut off watersupplyto therefrigerator you move Disconnectpowercordfromwall outlet removeall foodandclean anddry thein...

Page 15: ...geratorto be cooledor frozen e Hotweather frequent dooropenings Doorleftopen eTemperatureconixols are settoocold Referto instructionsfor useof TEMPERATURE CONTROLSonpage5 eGrilleandcondenser need cleaning Referto page 13 eCheckENERGY SAVING TIPSon page2 eTemperaturecontrolstartsandstopsmotorto maintaineventempera r e eIf refrigeratorvibrates morethanlikelyit is notrestingsolidlyon efloor ndfront r...

Page 16: ...usedby expansionandcontractionduring defrostandrefrigerationfollowingdefrost 0Withautomaticicemaker the soundof cubesdroppingintothebinandwater runningin pipesasicemakerrefills Temperaturecontrolnot setcoldenough Referto TEMPERATURE CONTROLS onpage5 Warmweather frequent dooropenings eDoorleftopentoolong ePackagemaybe holdingdooropen eFoodsnotcovered wrappedor sealedproperly eDoormayhave beenleft a...

Page 17: rat re afterrefrigeratoris GLASS S fh tin talled f eIf water penser hasnot b ieri use forextendedpe od water in firstglasswillnot b as c ol as ti succeedirig s6s fi at resefi ofi hasbeen le Iow sever hoursforreplenished SU ply tochill A s s g o ater supplylineturnedoffoi o c onikcted DOE 3 NOTWORK Supplyline maybe cloggedwith s d rn nt DIVIDERtiE E No al w th is createdby a t m tic enei savers ...

Page 18: ...ightlycovered Checkfor spoiledfood Interiorneedscleaning Referto page 13 Defrostwa r systemneedscleaning Keepopenboxof Mkirigsodain refrigerator replaceeverythreemonths N p we at Outkt ight Mb mm ls replacing Seepage 14 0 M you need mom help dl M free GE Answer center mm mer hfmnfdkm service ...

Page 19: ...ha muh iple yearcontract you reassuredof fit we serviceat today sprices Telecommunication Devicefor theDeaf hdividwds Cpdifkd to servicetheir own appliancescanhaveneeded partsor accessories sentdirectlyto theirhome freeof shippingcharge The GEpartssystem providesaccess to over4 7 000 parts and allGE Genuine RenewalPartsarefully warranted VISA MasterCardand Discovercards are accepted user Imintem m...

Page 20: ...ompressor Look in the White or Yellow Pages condenser evaporator and all of your telephone directory for connecting tubing that fails GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY because of a manufacturing GENERAL ELECTRIC FACTORY defect SERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPOINT FACTORY SERVICE or GENERAL ELECTRIC CUSTOMER CARE SERVICE Is Service trips to your home to a Replacement of house fuses or teach you how to use the ...
