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Summary of Contents for TFX20RN

Page 1: ...n Saver 5 Drawer CoverRemov4 10 Energy Saving Tips 2 Temperate Controls 5 FoodStorageSuggestions 8 Vacation Moving Tips 12 StorageTimes 8 warranty BackCover IceDispenser 6 i WaterFilterAccessory 12 Icemaker 6 7 Installation 3 4 AdjustableRollers 4 Clearances 4 Electrical Requirements 3 4 ExtensionCord 4 Grounding 3 Location 4 WaterSupplytoIcemaker 4 GE nswerCenterm LightBtib Replacement 11 80 626 ...

Page 2: ...sareclosed tightly Beforeleavingthehouseor retiringfor thenight checkto be surethe doorshaven tbeenleft openaccidentally Storeonlythosefoodsrequiring refrigerationin yourrefrigerator oWipemois e frombottlesand cartonsbeforeputtingthemin the refrigerator oKeepfoodscoveredto reduce moisturebuildupinsidethe refrigerator If youturnthe controlsto the coldest positionforquickchilling or freezing be sure...

Page 3: ...ten Thawed to the lightcircuit icecreamshouldbe discarded If Do not store or we gasotineor theodororcolorof anyfoodis other flammable Vapomand pooror questionable get rid of it liquids in the vicinityof this or Thefoodmaybe dangerousto eat any other apptiance Evenpartialthawingmd refieezifigreducetheeatingquaIity offoods particular y fruits vegetablesandpreparedfoods SAW ms The eatingqualityofredm...

Page 4: ...ringcircuits whichcouldcausea firehazardfromoverheating wires Refrigeratorbcation Do notinstalirefrigerator where temperature willgobelow60 F becauseit willnotrunoftenenough to maintainpropertemperatures Do ins U it ona floorstrong enoughtosupportit follyloaded RoIlem Adjustable rollersbehindthebase grilleenableyoutomovethe refrigerator awa fromthewallfor cleaning Theserollersshouldbe setsotherefr...

Page 5: forthe refrigerator to reachthe temperatureyouset Ifyouturnyour howeholdthermosht below60 F atnight youmaywanttoturnthelettered controlonestepcolder asfrom C to D Coolertemperaturesin the housemaycausethecompressorto operatelessfrequently thus aflowingthefreezercompartment to warmsomewhat Toprotectyour frozenfoodsupply leaveyour letteredsettingatthiscoldersetting fortheentirewinteror forwhateve...

Page 6: Iceaccess door Icemaker Feeler arm in OFF up position d Beforeusing Your Icemaker andDk mer If refrigeratorisoperatedbefore waterconnectionismade raisethe iceaccessdoorandmakesurethe icemakerfeelerarmis intheOFF up position Whenwatersuppiyhasbeen connectedto icemaker raiseaccess doorto icebinandmoveicemaker feelerarmtothe01 down position Icecubemoldautomatically fills withwaterafiercoolingto fr...

Page 7: ...otintheshelf EIcekusedMmquetily 0 Old icecubeswillbecome w cloudyandtastestale Emptyice storagebinperiodicallyandwashit E inlukewarmwatir Besureto allow storagebintocoolbeforereplacing it otherwise icecubeswU1 stickto R themetalauger f_ OV Icemaker Feeler m s b Om up Position when a removestoragebinfromfreezer compartment breakUpiceclumpswith fingertippressureanddiscard remainingclumps Setselector...

Page 8: ...ness prepackaged vegetables canbe storedintheiroriginalwrapping Note Special freshfoodcompartment drawers makeitunnecessaq towrap many foodsthey vebeendesigned to preserve These drawers aredescribed onpages9and10 Tostemicecream Fine quality icecream withhighcreamcontent willnormallyrequireslightlylower temperatures thanmore airy already packaged brandswithlow creamcontent Itwillbenecessary toexper...

Page 9: ...ertshelfrodsintoholesonleft wall R sheM supportsatdesired levelon rightwallhavetabs lowershelfintogrooveson support whilepressingtabs Besureshelf wireis fullyinsertedintogrooves If shelfsupportsat desired levelon rightwalldo nothave tabs merelylowershelfintoplace on supports storage Drawers Convertible MeatKeeper Moist nFreshDrawer Thisrefrigerated drawerisdesigned tokeepunwrapped foodsfreshby ret...

Page 10: ...diluted vinegar Youcanalsousepasteof non precipitating watersoftener 11 suchas al onbrand andwater Tiltandremovethecover Tiltandremovethedrawer 5 Grasprear of flexiblemeatpan cover bendit upwardandpushit backuntilnotchonrightof cover linesup withtab on coversupport 6 Tiltcoverandtakeit out 7 Tilt andremovethedrawer After cleaning reverseprocedure to replace or oneteasp onof cidc acid powderperpint...

Page 11: ...larly cushionedcoveringsandthose withembossedsurfaces Pullthe refrigeratorstraightoutandreturn it to positionby pushingit straight in Movingyourrefrigeratorin a sidedirectionmayresultin damageto yourfloorcoveringor refrigerator condenser Thecondenseris locatedbehind thebasegrille Formostefficient operation youwillneedto keep the condenserclean Removethe basegrille seepage4 andeither sweepawayor va...

Page 12: ...ngthemsecurelyinplaceto preventdamage Be surerefrigeratorstaysin uprightpositionduringactual movingandin van Refrigerator mustbe securedin vanto prevent movement Protectoutsideof refrigeratorwithblanket water fiIteraccessory The perfectcompanionto yourautomaticicemaker a waterfilter Youricecubescanonly be asfresh tasting as thewaterMatproduces them That swhyit s a goodideato purify yourwaterwitha ...

Page 13: ... on hinge side sticking or folding over To correct pit a small amo ntOf PROPERLY petioleumjelly on faceof gasket 5 HOTAIR FROM eNormal airflowcoolingmotor In therefrigerationprocess it is normalthatheatbe BOTTOMOF expelledin the areaundertherefrigerator Some floorcoveringswilldiscolorat these REFWGEWTOR notial andsafeoperatingtemperatures Yourfloor covering suppliershouldbe consultedif youobjectto...

Page 14: Irregulariceclumpsin storagecontainer Breakup as manyas youcanwith ngertip pressureanddiscardtheremainingclumps eNormalwarmthis createdby AutomaticEnergySaverSystemcirculatingwarmliquid aroundfrontedgeof freezercompartmentto helppreventcondensationon outsideof refrigeratorin hot humidweather eNot unusualfor moistureto formon outsideof refrigerator uringperiodsof high humidity Toofrequentor too...

Page 15: ...edpromptly and courteously And you can call any time GEAnswer Cente se ice is open 24 hours a day 7 daysa week 800 626 2802 Telecommunication Device fortheDeaf htitidti qualfiedtosetice fieir ownappfiamces canhaveneeded parts or accessories sent directly to their home free of shipping charge The GE parts systemprovides access to over 4 7 000 parts nd allGE GenuineRena Partsarefi dly warranted WSA ...

Page 16: ... Service Centers or by our authorized Customer Care servicers during normal working hours Look in the White or Yellow Pages of your telephone directory for GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY GENERAL ELECTRIC FACTORY SERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPOINT FACTORY SERVICE or GENERAL ELECTRIC CUSTOMER CARE SERVICE WHATisNOTCOVERED Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the product Bead your Use and Care...
