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Summary of Contents for TBX24

Page 1: ...tructions 3 FoodStorageSuggestions 6 8 Shelves 7 11 TBX25 StorageDrawers 8 10 Temperature Controls 5 StorageT irnes 6 Vacation MovingTips 12 Icemaker 10 11 Warranty BackCover IcemakerAccessoryKit 15 IceTrays H Installation 3 4 AdapterPlug 4 Adjustable Rollers 4 Clearances 4 ElectricalRequirements 3 4 ExtensionCord 4 Grounding 3 4 Location 4 LightBulbReplacement 12 I 4q b6aa YimrDirect lhe to Gener...

Page 2: ...foreyourequest servhx checktheProblemSolveronpages 13and M It listscausesofminor operatingproblemsthatyoucan correctyourself Locationofyourrefrigerator is important Avoid locatingk nextto yourmngc a heatingventor where thesunwillshinedirectlyonit Doritqxm m dtwf i momQfk n thannecessary Ckw the doorsassoonaspossible particularlyinhot humidweather KeepEnergySaverSwitchinthe leftpositionunlessmoistu...

Page 3: ...S Thepowwcordof thisappliance is equippedwith a three prong iqmmding phg whichmateswdh wn dmi fhw pmn Qy31 mdng PREFERRED METHOD Wq I NWRE PROPER GNMWI Him s 3EF03E USE i g 1 2 i mmthis2pphMx WR outletis properlygymmcled ...

Page 4: ...s Suchexttmsion cordsam obtainable throughyourlocal serviceorganization Therdkigerator S MWM always beplugged intoitsown hdividuaI dectrkaloutld 115 volt 60Hertz or 100volt SOHertz singlephaseAC Thisis recommended forbestperformance andtopreventoverloading house wiringcircuits whichcouldcausea firehazardfromoverheating wires Refrigemmttir location hstalBtherefrigerator ona floor strongenoughtosupp...

Page 5: ...urfrozen foodsupply leaveyourlettered settingatthiscoldersettingforthe entirewinteror forwhatever period oftimeyouareturningdownyour thermostat Thisisespecially importantwhenthethermostatis turneddownforanextended period Thischangeshou d havenoeffect onyourfreshfoodcompartment However if freezingoccurs turn thenumberedcontrolonestep warmer asfrom 5 to 4 Whenyoustopturningthe thermostatdown turntem...

Page 6: ...opreserve 7hesedrawersare describedonpages8and10 TOstoreicecream l ine quality icecream withhighcream content willnormallyrequire slightlylowertemperatures than more airy already packaged brandswithlowcreamcontent Itwillbenecessary toexperiment to determinethe freezercompartment locationandtemperaturecontrol settingtokeepyouricecreamat therightservingtemperature Therearofthefreezer compartment is ...

Page 7: ...lfto whichitattaches canbe relocated inthefreshfoodcompartment Dishesandlidsare e safeforuseinmicrowave ovens e safeforuseinrefrigerators d freezers e ishwas er safe Dishesonlyaresafeforusein conventional ovensattemperatures upto400 F CAumot l eI Jse bothhandswhenremoving a dish especiallywhenit is fill Otherwise it mayslipoutofyour grasp falland spill eXMsk andM Wf e mot dmigned for range topCwki...

Page 8: ...Radishes Beets topped Currants o Rhubarb Blueberries o Greens leafy Spinach e carrots e Lettuce e Tomatoes Celery Parsley ripe Peas green Asinanyrefrigeratedstoragearea it is I ecommended that foodswith strong odors be storedwrapped foodssuchas 6Broccoli 6 Cabbage 6 Parsnips Brussels e Cauliflower e Turnips Sprouts e Greenonions fcd n FreshDrawer orJI modelssoequipped Thisrefrigerated drawerisdesi...

Page 9: ...fhrthestfromthedoor 5 Removethe3 drawerslides 2 Slidetheother drawertothemiddle andremoveit 6 Removethedrawerframeas follows Liilthefrontoftheframetofree it fromthe supportsateachside Lifttherear oftheframeto free itshooksfromthetracksonthe backwalloftherefrigerator Tilttheframeandtakeit out TOreplace 2 Putthedrawmslidesbackm theframe Theslopedendsmust beat thefront mc 5 Mountthe 2 3 widthdrawer o...

Page 10: ...lssoequipped ill icmmiwr Wi l produce eight cubes percycle approximately 100cubesina24 hour period depending onfrewercmqxmtment ternpcmature roomtemperature numberof dooropenings andother useconditions Myourrefrigerator isoperated beforewaterconnection ismade totheicemaicer9 keeptheicemaker feelerarmintheOFF up position asshownbelow Feeler Arm in OFF position icemaker I m modelssoequipped TheSeale...

Page 11: ... feeler anmito m I pmitiol l when homewatersupplyis tobeofffor severalhours icestoragebinis to be removed fora periodoftime oingawayon vacation at which eyoushouldalsoturn offthe valvein the watersupplylineto yourrefrigerator lf k k used infrequently old cubeswillbecomecloudyandtaste stale Emptyicestoragebin periodically andwashitin lukewarm water Mthisisyourfirsticmnaker you llhearoccasional soun...

Page 12: ...icpartsin yourautomatic dishwasher Behindrefrifyxator Careshouldbetakeninmoving yourrefrigerator awayfromthe wall Alltypesoffloorcoverings canbedamaged particularly cushionedcoverings andthose withembossedsurfaces Pullthe refrigeratorstraightoutandreturn it topositionbypushingit straight in Movingyourrefrigerator ina sidedirectionmayresultindamage toyourfloorcovering orrefrigerator Conden er Formo...

Page 13: ...IPS Ori page2 L k 4Wl STARTS 63 Teqjerature ontro s rts and opjfiotor tomajntiineventemperatures YNX s FWQUENTLY VIBMTION OK If refrigerator vibrates morethanId yit ii fiotrestingsolidlyonthefloor Thefront RATTLING rollerscrewsneedadjusting or floorisweakor uneven RefertoROLI ERS cmpage4 If dishesvibrateon shelves try moving em Mightvibrationis normal OPERATING Ikehighspeedcompressormotorrci redto...

Page 14: ... sLfYvv ICECI Mq3 FRSEZING 4QISTURE XM LRCTS n4sI DE m e o s a ufi g pg3 iQ j ofhighhumidi a ENERGY AvEB MoveWNWgy saverswitchto i SET HERE IF MOISTURE APPEARS ON EXTERIOR ...

Page 15: ...usfiber cartridgecatchesdirt rustparticles sandand siltwhilespecial crystals reducedepositsofhard scale Thewaterfilterisanoptionat extracostandisavailable fromyour GEdealer Speci WR J7XX4 Ithas completeinstallation instructions andinstallsinminuteson 1 4 3D copperwaterline If You NwdSertice T I obtainservice seeyourwari anty onthebackpageofthisbook We re proudofourserviceand wantyoutobepleased If ...

Page 16: ...W W3W XE WHAT1S Na COVEREDe eIwicetriPstoYOUr hometo teachyQU howtOUSe theproduct Readyour use andcam material Hyouthenhaveanyquestions aboutoperatingtheproduct pleasecontactyourdealeror our ConsumerAffairsofficeatthe addressbelow orcaH to free TheGEAnswerCenter 800 626 2000 consumerinformationservice improperinstallation Hyouhavean installationproblem contactycmrdealeror installer Youareresponsib...
