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Summary of Contents for TA11

Page 1: ...8 EnergySaverSwitch 5 Drawer CoverRemoval 8 Energy Saving Tips 2 TemperatureControl 5 Food StorageSuggestions 6 ChillerTrayBaffle 5 Ice Trays 7 Dial 5 Installation 3 4 Vacation Movi g Tips 12 AdapterPlug 4 Warranty BackCover AdjustableLegs 4 Clearances 4 ElectricalRequirements 3 4 ExtensionCord 4 Grounding 3 Location 4 Whswer Center Light BulbReplacement 12 8aM 2 2w7 i hor Models TBE3 rig 13w T ls...

Page 2: ...ventor where thesunwillshinedirectlyonit Don topentherefrigeratormore oftenthannecessary e Closetherefrigerator as soonas possible particularlyinhot humid weather e KeepEnergySaverSwitch onmodelssoequipped inthe NORMALpositionunlessmoisture formsontheoutsideofthe refrigerator e Besuretherefrigeratorisclosed tightly Beforeleavingthehouse or retiringforthenight checkto be sureit hasn tbeenleftopen a...

Page 3: ...greducetheeatingquality offoods particularlyfruits vegetables andpreparedfoods Theeatingqualityofredmeatsis affectedlessthanthatofmany otherfoods Userefrozenfoodsas soonasPossibleto saveas muchof If youroldrefrigerator isstill around the housebut not in use be sure to removethe doors This willreducethepossibility of dangertochildren Unplugyour refrigerator A Beforemakinganyrepairs Note Westronglyr...

Page 4: ...afety hazardsundercertainconditions westronglyrecommend againstthe useofanextension cord However ifyoustillelecttouseanextension cord it isabsolutely riecessary that itbea UL listed 3 wire grounding typeappliance extension cordhaving agrounding type plugandoutlet andthattheelectricalratingofthe cordbe 15amperes minimum and 120volts The refrigerator should always be plugged into its own individual ...

Page 5: ... 9 position stopseooling9but doesnot shut offpowerto the refrigeratm traybafflei OUTy as shownbelow For Cokk r f remfood compartment temperature duringhotweatheror periodsof heavyusage placechillertray baffleintheI I J position 5 D Em rgyfikww a switch TheEnergy tiver Switchislocated orJthetemperature controlpandt Ibreducethe amountof ekctricity required to operate yourrefrigerator besure the swit...

Page 6: ...sttimes possibletosaveelectricalenergy Whengoingoutoftownfor several days leaveasfewperishables aspossibleintherefrigerator ConsulttheCollegeor County ExtensionServiceor yourlocal LJtility Companyforthelatest information onfreezingandstoring foods Ek eezer R Therearethreeessential requirementsforefficienthome freezing 1 Initial quality Freezeonly top qualityfoods Freezingretains qualityandflavor i...

Page 7: ...lertraybaffleisinthe OUT position Settemperature controltocolder position 9 iscoldest Transfericecreamfromoriginal cartontoa covered flat bottomed container For beststorageoffrozenfoods Usemoisture proof wrapping materialandbagsorregu ar freezer containers Commercially frozen foodsareusuallysuitably packaged 7 k Service QGI h EE Toreleaseicecubes inverttray holditoverstorage bucketorbowl andtwistt...

Page 8: ...i Thestoragedraweratthebottom ofthefreshfoodcompartment has beenspeciallydesigned tohelp preservefruitsandvegetables Thedrawerwillstopbeforecoming allthewayoutoftherefrigerator to helppreventcontentsfromspilling ontothefloor It canbe removed easilybyliftingupslightlyand pullingpastthe stop position TOremovedrawer whenfresh foodcompartmentdoor cannot be openedfully 1 Remove foodfromdrawerand drawer...

Page 9: ...eezer compartment doormuststayopen Toreducetheamountofthawing offrozenfoodwhiledefrosting the freezercompartment storethefood ina picniccooleror otherinsulated container 2 Useaplasticscraperto loosen andremovefrostfromtheceiling andwallsofthefreezercompartment asthe frostbeginstothaw Do not wsea sharp or pointedinstment to removefrost as its usemay result in damage to the refrigerating system Tosp...

Page 10: ...controldialto OYNote Turningthedialto O or OFF andDEFROSTis moredifficultthanturningitto settings l through 9 This built inresistanceisdesignedto helpkeepyoufromaccidentally turningthedialtoa no coolingor low cooling setting Placepansofhottapwaterin frozenfoodstoragecompartmentto speedmeltingofice After defrosting Emptywaterfromchillertray Washchillertrayin warmwater andwipefrozenfoodstorage compa...

Page 11: ...ater Thisbothcleansandneutralizes odors Rinsethoroughly withwater andwipedry Otherpartsoftherefrigerator includingdoorgaskets vegetable drawerandallplasticparts can be cleanedthesameway Donotuse cleansingpowdersor other abrasivecleaners TO helppreventodors leave anopenboxofbakingsodainthe rearoftherefrigerator onthetop shelf Changetheboxeverythree months Anopenboxofbaking sodainthefreezerwillabsor...

Page 12: ... openboxofbakingsodain refrigerator Leaverefrigerator open For shorter vacations remove perishablefoodsandleavethe temperature controldialat regular setting However ifroom temperature isexpectedtodrop below60 F followsame instructionsasforextended vacations when youmow kwitw 811100s43 kwm N4ch M shdw andstoragepansbytaping themsect ttdyinplacetoprevent damage Besurerefrigerator staysinuprigh po 5 ...

Page 13: frequent doorcpmings Doorleftopen oTemperature controldialissettoocold Refertoinstructions foruseof TEMPERATURE CONTROLDIALonpage5 CheckENERGY SAVING TIPSonpage2 Temperature controlstartsandstopsmotortomaintaineventemperatures If refrigeratorvibrates morethanlikelyit isnotrestingsolidlyonthefloorandfront levelinglegsneedadjusting or flooris weakor uneven Referto LEVELINGLEGS onpage4 If dishesvi...

Page 14: ...agesmaybetransmitting odor taste toicecubes Oldcubesneedtobe discarded Interiorofrefrigeratorneedscleaning Refertopage11 Notunusualduringperiodofhighhumidity If yourrefrigeratorhasanenergysaverswitch movetheswitchtotheright Toofrequentandtoolongdooropenings In humidweather air carriesmoistureintorefrigeratorwhendoorisopened oDoorleftopenor ajar In somemodels moistureoccursonthecoolingcoilduringdef...

Page 15: ...hasea GEcontractwhileyourwar rantyisstillin effectandyou llreceive a substantial discoun Witha multiple yearcontracqyou reassured of future semiceattoday sprices TehxommunicationDevicefor the Deaf Individuals quali fledto service their own appliances can haveneeded partsor accessories sentdirectlyto theirhome free of shippingcharge TheGEpartssystem providesaccess to over4 7 000parts and allGE Genu...

Page 16: ...AL ELECTRICFACTORY SERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPOINTFACTORYSERVICE or GENERAL ELECTRICCUSTOMER CARE SERVICE VW AT 1sNm Servicetripsto yourhometo teach you how to use the product Readyour Useand Care material If you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at the address below or call toll free GE Answer Cente 800 626 2000 consume...
