Page 1: ... SavingTips 4 StationaryWasher 8 Features 18 Loading 8 Hard Water 12 OperatingInstructions 8 LimestoneDeposits 10 soaking 8 Lintfilter 18 User MaintenanceInstructions 18 Loading 6 8 Warranty BackCover Modeland SerialNumbers 2 WashingGuide 16 17 Operating Instructions 6 8 PortableWasher 6 Loading 6 Operating Instructions 6 7 Soaking 7 GEAnswerCe ter Problem Solver 19 23 800 626 2000 wwl l170G WWP11...
Page 2: ...l Number Use these numbers in any correspondenceor servicecalls concerningyour washer If you receiveda damagedwasher Immediatelycontact the dealer or builder that sold youthe washer Savetime and money Before you request service check the Problem Solveron pages 19 23 It listscauses of minor operating problems that you can correct yourself Accessory Kits Mcavailablefbr installingthe dryer on top of ...
Page 3: ...soakedin or spottedwithcombustible or explosive substances suchas wax paint gasoline degreasers dry cleaning solvents kerosene etc which mayigniteorexp ode Donotaddthesesubstances to thewashwater anddonotuse thesesubstances around your washerandh dryerduring operation not used hotwaterfortwo weeksorwore ormoveinto a residence hi which thehot watersystem maynothave beenusedforsgmetime9 turn onallho...
Page 4: ...en lid during spin cycle pushtheCycleSelector INand waitforlidlocktorelease about 30seconds beforeopening Atendofcycle lidlockwili releaseafterabout30seconds beforeopening eDC NOTCHANGE CYCLE ORMANUALLY ADVANCE CYCLESELECTC R WHEN DIALISOUT PushinCycle Selectorandwaitforthewasher tostop Thenselectnewcycle andpullCycleSelector torestart 4 Tips H your clothesand household items don tlookclean and fr...
Page 5: ...out cuffs zip zippers snap snaps hooks and buttons Do anynecessary mending rips hems tears Check all items for areas of heavy soilor stain e Remove s ins ForWin RemovalChart see page 14 Turn PolyKnits inside outto minimizefabric surfacedamage Soaking a goodwayto loosendeepsoilsand sths A thorough soakingwith detergent or special soakingagent is another waytoremoveheavysoils embedded dirt and even ...
Page 6: ...uble sheets 2 long sleeve 3 boxer shorts shirts 3 T shirts 4 standard 2 pair trousers pillowcases To bieach the load measure liquidbleachaccordingto directions on container After washerhas filled anciagitatedfbrseveralminutes acid diluted bleach to the wash water How touse ptwkwed bleach fabricsoftenersand otherlaundry products is explained on page 13 Close lid Washer wili fill and agitate but wil...
Page 7: ll l l i thrcc prong rtxcptac c SucymfrIflstalltitim Iflstrlfctiofls Push CycleSelectorinandtum clockwiseto yourselectedwash cycle Pull CycleSelectorout to start the cycle If youwishto change cyclesettingafler washerhas started push CycleSelectorin and waitfor washerto stop Then reset to the newposition Settingcan be changedat any timeduringthe cycle Delicatecycle Toget the full benefitof the D...
Page 8: ...lwr kis ii ctj lid Li c li c sa sakty me lsurc helid Ri 1I Iw iul nut i al y i dd during l d spin p r i n C lth f l Tllc iid iii fl OIll iC F LIfli Ckdht Llt SCL II S 1 f tcr hc Landof thd spin cycle Toopen lid during spin cycle push Cycle Selec or INand waitfor lid lockto release about 30 seconds beforeopening Foryour personalsafety never reach into washerwhile parts are moving Alwaysstop washert...
Page 9: ...rkclothes White or Bright Heavyor Normal or Heavyor Normal or with heavysoil with normal soil Colorfast Colors Oily Soil LightSoi Oily Soil Light Soil WM Rinse Ho Cold Hot Cold or Hot Cold or e npera uf e ColdlCold Hot Cold Warm Cold Warm Cold Warm Cold Warm Cold Warm Cold cycle Regular Regular Regular Regular Perm Press Perm Press Delicate Delicate C cle Selector 15 15 15 10 12 8 Start start S4 4...
Page 10: ...precipitating water softener such as Calgon brand with phosphate Chd washing practices may delay limestone damage toclothes The followingrecommendations will temporarily delaythe effects of limestoneon your clothes These are generallygood washing practices and will givebetter soil removalwhether or not youhave hard water or use carbonate detergent Use hotter wash water for exampleup to 150 F for c...
Page 11: ...andardmeasuringcup Recommended amount of detergent for average soil load A I I Water Level Setting I I I 1 Water Hardness Large Medium Small VERY I 10 XI Gr I I I I POWDERED HARD DETERGENTS 4 10 Gr CLlp E cup cup I I som 4 Gr I Cup I 4cup I 2 Tbsps I CONCENTRATES FOLLOWPACKAGEDIRECTIONS AND I IQUIDS Grains How to use detergent Granular or powered For best results put the detergentin the washer bef...
Page 12: ... water If youhave HARD water lessthan 10 grains andyouusephosphate detergent youalso haveno problem But if youhavemorethan 10 grains youwill need to softenyour water with either 1 An installedwatersoftenerin your home or 2 The use of a packagedwater softener For informationon water softeners see chart below Addthismuchwatersoftenerwitha MIwaterlevel Grains of hardness o lo 10 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 ...
Page 13: ...clothes 2 Someoftoday swashablefabrics shouldnot be chlorine bleached suchas 100 cotton flame retardantchiJdren s sJeepwear siJk wool mohair spandex leather or non fast colors DiJutebleach beforeusingon any fabric 3 Check manufacturer shangtagsfor special instructions 1 Maybe used on aJlkindsoffabrics 2 Is mosteffective in hotwater 1 HeJpsmakeclothes fluffyand soft 2 Reducesstatic electricity 3 Us...
Page 15: ... dry Bleach according to Stain launder in warm detergent water RemovalHint on oppositepage Soak stain in cool water If stain remains bleach acdordingto Spongewith warm water Bleach remaining stain m Stain RemovalHint on oppositepage launder with oxygenMeaeh Apply undilutedliquid detergent Laurtder Treat mildew Spongewith warm water Apply undilutedliquid spots while they are fresh beforemold has a ...
Page 16: ...s Rayonand Acetate Delicate Warm BabyC1othes Regular Hot Sturdy such as Diapers Nightgowns Shirts Pacts Sheets Receiving Blankets Coveralls BabyClothes Delicate Warm Delicate Blankets Delicate Warm wool Part wool cotton I 31ankc s Delicate Warm Synthetic Electric Curtains LX9NOT Delicate Hot or Warm MX371NL WL5 HFIBERGLASS C criilfcEkcisprcacls Robes Delicate Hot or Warm Denims especially indigo B...
Page 17: ...eoxygentype Youmay prefer to use a mild detergent Do hand knitgarments by hand None Add detergent Partially fill washer allow detergentto dissolvebefore adding blanket Completethe waterfill Do one blanket at a time None On electric blanket sewa strongpiece of cloth overplug Do one blanket at a time I re treatheavily soiled spotswith liquiddetergent For white or colorfast Vacuumout loose dirt befor...
Page 18: ... cleaninglint filter needs no attentionfrom you e Washbasket After each use leavethe lid open to allowmoisture to evaporate Clean thoroughlywith nonabrasivehousehold cleanser to removedepositleftby heavilysoiled clothes Do not use harsh cleansers G et toKnowYourWasher e Agitator Removethe agitatorat reg larintervals about4 to 6 months andremoveany lintthat mayhaveaccumulated Unscrew the agitatorca...
Page 19: ...d may have been excessively out of balance Redistribute clothes and rerun through final spin Metallic clicks heard as timer advances during operation are normal oUneven floor Make sure washer is level and firm to floor on Model WWP1180G On ModelWWP1170G when used as a Portable reposition machine to find level area Gurgling noise is normal may be noticed when pump is operating gFaucets turned off M...
Page 20: ...nts If a non phosphatedetergentmust be used avoidthe use of a carbonate built detergent Failure to use fabric softener Proper use of fabric softener will minimize wrinkling TOremove stubborn wrinkIes 1 Retumble on Permanent Press setting on models so equipped with small load 2 Rerinse and dry on Permanent Press setting on models so equipped 3 Some wrinkles may remain These wrinkles cannot be remov...
Page 21: ...insteadof breaking off will collect and hold smallbundlesof fibersresultingin pills Thispilling is normal for these fabrics and can be mistakenfor lint Cannot be preventedor corrected Caused by normal wear of the fabric Turningclothes inside outmay providesome help Over drying in dryer may cause buildup of staticelectricity in man made fabrics causing lint attraction Use fabric softenerat start of...
Page 22: ...her Youmay slowdownprocess by use of DelicateCycle Toolittle water in washer or too large a load Load washer only with the number of items that will movefreely during agitationand select correct waterlevelfor load Insufficientdetergent Youmay need to increase the amount of detergentused if the load is larger than normal if soil is heavier than average especiallyoily soil if water levelis high or i...
Page 23: ...erinplaceof soakagentor pre washdetergentandallowclothestosoakforabout20minutes lfvumneedmore Mp Ca l tdfree _ Tie GE Answer cdelw fxmlsumer service Toobtain service see your warranty on the back page of this book We reproud of our service and wantyou to be pleased Hfor some reason you are not happy with the service you receive here are three stepsto follow for flmtherhelp FIRST contact the people...
Page 24: ...icers during normal working hours Look in the White or YellowPages of your telephone directory for GENERAL ELECTRIC CX MPANY GENERAL ELECTRIC FACTORY SERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPOINTFACTORYSERVICEor GENERAL ELECTRICCUSTOMER CAREOSERVICE Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the product Fkwi your Use and Care material It you then have any questions about operating the product please c...