Getting started
GE Simon XT Programming
I recommend doing a full system default from the get go:
Return to factory default
Unplug ac and battery power and hold the Doors, motions, disarm, status buttons AND
the tamper spring on the back all at the same time and hook the battery back in followed
by the ac
*You must install the battery first*
If you still get a “low battery” warning
Start then cancel a sensor test.
Setting the time
Press enter – you see “set clock” – press enter again and it asks for a code which is 4321
by default – then press enter twice and the first two digits start blinking, scroll up/down
till you reach the hour you’d like and press enter again – now the next set are blinking
scroll till you get the minutes you’d like and press enter – now an “a” is blinking scroll to
“p” if its pm or leave it on “a” if its am. And press enter again, now just press the status
button twice and time is saved.
Learning in sensors &
Matching sensors with groups
First scroll to system program – hit enter – installer code – enter – scroll till you get to
“sensors” – enter – scroll to learn sensors – enter – then trip sensors – then status status to
Common groups
Indoor motion sensor 17 (intrusion), 25 (chime)
Outdoor motion sensor 25 (chime only)
Entry/exit door 10
Interior door 14
Window sensor 13
Smoke Sensor 26
Keyfob 01, 03, 06, 07
ELM keyfob 01, 03, 06, 07
Remote Handheld Touchpad 01, 03, 06, 07
CO Alarm 34
Freeze Sensor 29
Water Sensor 38
Created by:
Alarm System Store
Created by:
Alarm System Store