10 MR Suite Electrical Requirements
10.1 General Electrical Requirements
1. Customer is required to install a Main Disconnect Panel (MDP).
GE MDP is orderable OR the customer can procure their own.
a. Refer to
for MDP Design Requirements
b. Refer to
for Main Disconnect Panel (MDP) Set-Up
2. The facility must provide system power to the MDP
3. All associated transformers and cables must be correctly sized for system power
4. The facility must provide cabling from the MDP to the PDU in Integrated System Cabinet
and from the MDP to the Cryocooler Compressor (F-50) in Integrated Cooling Cabinet (ICC)
5. For the power of facility backup cooling and compressor, it is customer’s responsibility to
Table 2-12: Facility Power Requirements
At Main Dis‐
connect Pan‐
el (MDP)
Voltage / Frequency
480 VAC
60 ±3 Hz
415 VAC
50 ±3 Hz, 60 ±3 Hz
400 VAC
50 ±3 Hz, 60 ±3 Hz
380 VAC
50 ±3 Hz, 60 ±3 Hz
Daily Voltage Variation Customer to p7.5% / -10% from nominal at MDP input under all line and load
conditions. This includes variation of power source and transmission losses up to the
Input power to the MDP may use one of the following configurations:
A 3 phase solidly grounded WYE with Ground (4-wire system)
If a neutral wire exists, it must be terminated prior to or inside the MDP
A 3 phase floating DELTA with Ground (4-wire). Do not connect a corner
grounded DELTA source
Note: Some UPS options may require a neutral (refer to manufacturer documentation
for requirements).
Phase Balance
Difference between the highest phase line-to-line voltage and the lowest phase line-
to-line voltage must not exceed 2%
Power Quality
Recommended THD of less than 2.5%
Facility Zero Voltage
Reference Ground
The facility ground for the MR system must originate at the system power source
(i.e., transformer or first access point of power into the facility) and be continu‐
ous to the MR system Main Disconnect Panel (MDP) in the room.
Main facility ground conductor to Main Disconnect Panel (MDP) must be appro‐
priately sized insulated copper wire.
The main facility ground to the Main Disconnect Panel (MDP) must meet local
SIGNA Voyager Pre-Installation
Direction 5680008–1EN, Revision 2
Chapter 2 General System Level